
125 BOOKS - Civil War Diaries - Military, Prisons, Rebellions, Journals - CD/DVD

Description: Civil War Diaries Book Collection on DVD-ROM The Ultimate Collection of 125 Books This is the most complete collection on DVD ROM for the best price on eBay. This item is delivered on a fully interactive DVD ROMreadable on all computers. The files are in PDF format to view, copy or print them easily. They are fully searchable. All our DVDs are professionally produced, designed and packaged. This DVD contains 125 interesting books about Civil War Diaries. You will discover information on many topics such as diaries, rebellions, military prisons, memoirs, rebel wars, sketches, famous adventures, personal recollections, reminiscences, reports, journals and much more! This outstanding book collection serves as an excellent resource for anyone interested in Civil War Diaries! Contents: A Confederate girl's diary (1913) - Dawson, S. M. - 490 pages Dark days of the rebellion, or, Life in Southern military prisons (1897) - Booth, B. F. - 386 pages Morgan's men,' a narrative of personal experiences (1919) - Stone, H. L. - 46 pages Thirteen months in the Rebel army: being a narrative of personal adventures in the infantry, ordnance, cavalry, courier, and hospital services (1862) - Stevenson, W. G. - 254 pages War diary and letters of Stephen Minot Weld, 1861-1865 (1912) - Weld, S. M. - 624 pages 1861 to 1865, by an Old Johnnie. Personal recollections and experiences in the Confederate army (1897) - Dinkins, J. - 322 pages 1861 vs. 1862. 'Co. Aytch', Maury grays, First Tennessee regiment; or, A side show of the big show (1882) - Watkins, S. R. - 248 pages A belle of the fifties; memoirs of Mrs. Clay of Alabama, covering social and political life in Washington and the South, 1853-1866 (1905) - Clay-Clopton, V. - 464 pages A brief record of the army life of Charles B. Amory (1902) - Amory, C. B. - 54 pages A Chautauqua boy in '61 and afterward; reminiscences by David B. Parker, second lieutenant, Seventy-second New York, detailed superintendent of the mails of the Army of the Potomac, United States marshal, district of Virginia, chief post office inspector (1912) - Parker, D. B. - 480 pages A Confederate surgeon's letters to his wife (1911) - Welch, S. G. - 136 pages A diary from Dixie, as written by Mary Boykin Chesnut, wife of James Chesnut, jr., United States Senator from South Carolina, 1859-1861, and afterward an Aide to Jefferson Davis and a Brigadier-General in the Confederate Army (1906) - Chestnut, M. B. M. - 488 pages A diary with reminiscences of the war and refugee life in the Shenandoah valley, 1860-1865 (1935) - McDonald, C. P. - 630 pages A little fifer's war diary, with 17 maps, 60 portraits, and 246 other illustrations (1910) - Bardeen, C. W. - 340 pages A memoir of the last year of the war for independence, in the Confederate States of America (1867) - Early, J. A. - 144 pages A race for liberty; or, My capture, imprisonment, and escape (1867) - Burson, W. - 156 pages A Rebel war clerk's diary at the Confederate States capital Vol.1 (1866) - Jones, J. B. - 404 pages A Rebel war clerk's diary at the Confederate States capital Vol.2 (1866) - Jones, J. B. - 486 pages A Rebel's recollections (1905) - Eggleston, G. C. - 352 pages A sketch of the war record of the Edisto rifles, 1861-1865 (1914) - Izlar, W. V. - 210 pages A soldier's recollections; Leaves from the diary of a young confederate with an oration on the motives and aims of the soldiers of the south (1910) - McKim, R. H. - 404 pages A Southern girl in '61 ; the war-time memories of a Confederate senator's daughter (1905) - Wright, L. W. - 346 pages A Texan in Search of a Fight: Being the Diary and Letters of a Private Soldier in Hood's Texas Brigade. (1901) - West, J. C. - 201 pages A Virginia girl in the Civil War, 1861-1865 : being a record of the actual experiences of the wife of a Confederate officer (1903) - Avary, M. L. - 412 pages A war diary of events in the War of the Great Rebellion, 1863-1865 (1882) - Gordon, G. H. - 472 pages A woman's wartime journal; an account of the passage over a Georgia plantation of Sherman's army on the march to the sea, as recorded in the diary of Dolly Sumner Lunt (Mrs. Thomas Burge) (1918) - Burge, D. L. - 74 pages Adventures of an army nurse in two wars (1903) - Olnhausen, M. P. - 378 pages An account of the escape of six federal soldiers from prison at Danville, Va. (1887) - Newlin, W. H. - 156 pages An artilleryman's diary (1914) - Jones, J. L. - 440 pages Army life of an Illinois soldier (1906) - Wills, C. W. - 400 pages Army life of an Illinois soldier, including a day by day record of Sherman's march to the sea (1906) - Wills, C. W. - 394 pages Army life; from a soldier's journal. incidents, sketches and record of a Union soldier's army life, in camp and field, 1861-1864 (1884) - Marshall, A. O. - 422 pages Billy and Dick : from Andersonville Prison to the White House (1910) - Bates, R. O. - 120 pages Capture and escape : a narrative of army and prison life (1908) - Kellogg, J. A. - 230 pages Chronicles from the diary of a war prisoner in Andersonville and other military prisons of the South in 1864 (1904) - Northrop, J. W. - 232 pages Civil War diary of William H. Arehart 1863, a Confederate soldier in Company H, 12th Regiment, Virginia Cavalry (1863) - Arehart, W. H. - 136 pages Civil War diary of William H. Arehart 1864, a Confederate soldier in Company H, 12th Regiment, Virginia Cavalry (1864) - Arehart, W. H. - 178 pages Confederate operations in Canada and New York (1906) - Headley, J. W. - 520 pages Detailed minutiae of soldier life in the Army of Northern Virginia, 1861-1865 (1882) - McCarthy, C. - 266 pages Diary from March 4, 1861 to November 12, 1862 (1862) - Gurowski, A. - 332 pages Diary from November 18, 1862 to October 18, 1863 (1864) - Gurowski, A. H. - 358 pages Diary of a Tar Heel Confederate soldier (1913) - Leon, L. - 124 pages Diary of an enlisted man (1910) - Van Alstyne, L. - 374 pages Diary of Battery A, First Regiment Rhode Island Light Artillery (1865) - Reichardt, T. - 168 pages Diary of battles, marches and incidents of the Seventh S.C. regiment (1862) - McDaniel, J. J. - 32 pages Diary of Ephraim Shelby Dodd; Member of Company D Terry's Texas Rangers (1914) - Dodd, E. S. - 36 pages Diary of Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy under Lincoln and Johnson Vol.1 (1911) - Welles, G. - 640 pages Diary of Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy under Lincoln and Johnson Vol.2 (1911) - Welles, G. - 698 pages Diary of Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy under Lincoln and Johnson Vol.3 (1911) - Welles, G. - 724 pages Diary of Pvt. William H. Lyons of company E 2nd Maryland infantry (1992) - n.a. - 7 pages Diary of sgt James Thomas #1 (n.d.) - Thomas, J. - 21 pages Diary of sgt James Thomas #2 (n.d.) - Thomas, J. - 35 pages Diary of sgt James Thomas #3 (n.d.) - Thomas, J. - 35 pages Downing's civil war diary (1916) - Downing, A. G. - 358 pages Famous adventures and prison escapes of the civil war (1898) - Cable, G. W. - 358 pages Field, camp, hospital and prison in the civil war, 1863-1865 (1918) - Humphreys, C. A. - 482 pages Hancock's diary: or, A history of the Second Tennessee Confederate cavalry (1887) - Hancock, R. R. - 698 pages In camp and battle with the Washington artillery of New Orleans : a narrative of events during the late civil war from Bull Run to Appomattox and Spanish Fort : compiled by the adjutant from his diary and from authentic documents and orders : illustrated with maps and engravings (1885) - Owen, W. M. - 524 pages Leaves from a diary written while serving in Co. E, 44 Mass., Dep't of No. Carolina, from September 1862 to June 1863 (1878) - Wyeth, J. J. - 104 pages Leaves from a trooper's diary (1869) - Williams, J. A. - 112 pages Leaves from the diary of an army surgeon; or, Incidents of field, camp, and hospital life (1863) - Ellis, T. T. - 328 pages Life in southern prisons; from the diary of Corporal Charles Smedley, of Company G, 90th regiment Penn'a volunteers, commencing a few days before the "battle of the Wilderness", in which he was taken prisoner, in the evening of the fifth month fifth, 1864 (1865) - Smedley, C. - 74 pages Life in the Confederate Army; being personal experiences of a private soldier in the Confederate Army (1905) - Ford, A. P. - 148 pages Lt. Samuel McCullough Diary 1 (Part A) 1865 Apr 1 - 1865 Jun 22; prisoner at Johnson's Island (n.d.) - n.a. - 73 pages Lt. Samuel McCullough Diary 1 (Part B) 1862 Aug 11 - 1863 Jul 20 (n.d.) - n.a. - 156 pages Lt. Samuel McCullough Diary 2 (Part A) 1863 Jul 21 - 1863 Sep 17 (n.d.) - n.a. - 36 pages Lt. Samuel McCullough Diary 2 (Part B) Addendum Regimental casualties, Battle of Gettysburg (n.d.) - n.a. - 19 pages Lt. Samuel McCullough Diary 2 (Part C) Addendum ' Battle of Gettysburg' [strategic analysis] (n.d.) - n.a. - 20 pages Lt. Samuel McCullough Diary 2 (Part D) 1864 Aug 3 - 1864 Sep 13 (n.d.) - n.a. - 58 pages Lt. Samuel McCullough Diary 3 (Part A) Addendum Diary of Alfred Welton, 9th Indiana Volunteers, 1864 Aug 14 - Nov 23 (n.d.) - n.a. - 25 pages Lt. Samuel McCullough Diary 3 (Part B) 1863 Nov 1 - 1864 Apr 18 (n.d.) - n.a. - 147 pages Lt. Samuel McCullough Diary 3 (Part C) Addendum Copies of letters re: disciplinary actions involving McCullough (n.d.) - n.a. - 24 pages Lt. Samuel McCullough Diary 4 1864 Apr 19 - 1864 Aug 2 (n.d.) - n.a. - 126 pages Lt. Samuel McCullough Diary 5 1864 Aug 3 - 1864 Oct 27 see nos. 2.D and 7 for copies (n.d.) - n.a. - 100 pages Lt. Samuel McCullough Diary 6 1864 Oct 28 - 1865 Mar 31 see no. 7 for copy (n.d.) - n.a. - 114 pages Lt. Samuel McCullough Diary 7 1864 Sep 15 - 1865 Mar 31 (n.d.) - n.a. - 137 pages Memoirs of the Civil War between the northern and southern sections of the United States of America, 1861-1865 (1912) - Chamberlaine, W. W. - 148 pages Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence Vol.1 (1866) - Borcke, H. - 344 pages Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence Vol.2 (1866) - Borcke, H. - 336 pages More than conqueror,' or memorials of Col. J. Howard Kitching (1873) - Irving, T. - 264 pages Mosby's Rangers (1896) - Williamson, J. J. - 510 pages My diary in America in the midst of war Vol.1 (1865) - Sala, G. A. - 448 pages My diary in America in the midst of war Vol.2 (1865) - Sala, G. A. - 442 pages My diary of rambles with the 25th Mass. volunteer infantry, with Burnside's coast division (1884) - Day, D. L. - 168 pages My diary, North and South (1863) - Russell, W. H. - 638 pages My record in rebeldom as written by friend and foe (1865) - Sanderson, J. M. - 228 pages Passages from the life of Henry Warren Howe, consisting of diary and letters written during the civil war, 1816-1865 (1899) - Howe, H. W. - 236 pages Personal recollections and civil war diary, 1864 (1908) - Abbott, L. A. - 352 pages Pocket diary of George F Moore 1863 (1863) - Moore, G. F. - 408 pages Pocket diary of George F Moore 1864 (1864) - Moore, G. F. - 408 pages Prison diary, of Michael Dougherty, late Co. B, 13th., Pa., cavalry. While confined in Pemberton, Barrett's, Libby, Andersonville and other southern prisons (1908) - Dougherty, M. - 98 pages Recollections of a Confederate staff officer (1917) - Sorrel, G. M. - 330 pages Recollections Of A Maryland Confederate Soldier (1914) - Howard, M. - 468 pages Recollections of a pioneer (1912) - Gibson, J. W. - 226 pages Recollections of a Rebel reefer (1917) - Morgan, J. M. - 558 pages Recollections of a Rebel surgeon, and other sketches : or, in the doctor's sappy days (1901) - Daniel. F. E. - 332 pages Recollections of pioneer and army life (1911) - Jamison, M. H. - 376 pages Recollections of Thomas D. Duncan ; a confederate soldier (1922) - Duncan, T. D. - 234 pages Reminiscences of a Mosby guerilla (1906) - Munson, J. W. - 338 pages Reminiscences of a soldier's wife (1913) - Logan, J. A. - 528 pages Reminiscences Of Four Years As A Private Soldier (1904) - n.a. - 150 pages Reminiscences of peace and war (1904) - Pryor, S. A. R. - 440 pages Reminiscences of the Civil War (1903) - Gordon, J. B. - 512 pages Reminiscences of the Civil War, 1861-1865 (1909) - Ledford, P. L. - 118 pages Reminiscences of the civil war, and other sketches (1911) - Smith, R. J. - 26 pages Reminiscences of the civil war; comp. from the war correspondence of Colonel William P. Lyon and from personal letters and diary (1907) - Lyon, W. P. - 296 pages Report of Lewis H. Steiner, inspector of the Sanitary Commission (1862) - Steiner, L. H. - 58 pages Richard Snowden Andrews, lieutenant-colonel commanding the First Maryland Artillery (Andrews' battalion) Confederate States army; a memoir (1910) - Smith, T. - 204 pages Spencer Kellogg Brown, his life in Kansas and his death as a spy, 1842-1863 : as disclosed in his diary (1903) - Brown, S. K. - 412 pages Ten years in the ranks, U. S. army (1914) - Meyers, A. - 364 pages The 'diary' of John H. Stone First Lieutenant, Company B, 2d Maryland Infantry, C.S.A. (1990) - Clemens, T. G. - 39 pages The adventures of a conscript (1901) - Younce, W. H. - 120 pages The adventures of two Alabama boys (1912) - Crumpton, H. J. - 258 pages The cannoneer.' Recollections of service in the Army of the Potomac (1890) - Buell, A. - 412 pages The civil war diary, 1862-1865, of Charles H. Lynch, 18th Conn. vol's (1915) - Lynch, C. H. - 180 pages The colonel's diary (1922) - Jackson, O. L. - 312 pages The diary of a line officer (1906) - Brown, A. C. - 126 pages The diary of a young officer serving with the armies of the United States during the war of the rebellion (1909) - Favill, J. M. - 332 pages The diary of Bartlett Yancey Malone (1919) - Malone, B. Y. - 88 pages The flight of the clan, a diary of 1865 : being an account of how the Ellis family of South Carolina, together with their kinsmen, the De Loaches, Hays and Framptons fled before Sherman's raiders (1954) - Ellis, E. C. S. - 28 pages The journal of a grandfather (1912) - Hughes, W. E. - 278 pages The private journal and diary of John H, Surratt, the conspirator. (1866) - Haco, D. - 140 pages The soldier boy's diary book; or, Memorandums of the alphabetical first lessons of military tactics. Kept by Adam S. Johnston, from September 14, 1861, to October 2, 1864 (1866) - Johnston, A. S. - 148 pages War diary of Luman Harris Tenney, 1861-1865 (1914) - Tenney, L. H. - 236 pages With touch of elbow' or, Death before dishonor : a thrilling narrative of adventure on land and sea (1909) - Wells, J. M. - 416 pages Here are a few images from the collection: Attention eBay Staff: The books on this media were copyrighted prior to January 1, 1923 and/or are Government publications which are free of copyright restrictions. This media resides within the Public Domain as defined by the United States Copyright Office. This ad complies with all eBay rules and regulations.

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125 BOOKS - Civil War Diaries - Military, Prisons, Rebellions, Journals - CD/DVD125 BOOKS - Civil War Diaries - Military, Prisons, Rebellions, Journals - CD/DVD125 BOOKS - Civil War Diaries - Military, Prisons, Rebellions, Journals - CD/DVD125 BOOKS - Civil War Diaries - Military, Prisons, Rebellions, Journals - CD/DVD125 BOOKS - Civil War Diaries - Military, Prisons, Rebellions, Journals - CD/DVD125 BOOKS - Civil War Diaries - Military, Prisons, Rebellions, Journals - CD/DVD125 BOOKS - Civil War Diaries - Military, Prisons, Rebellions, Journals - CD/DVD125 BOOKS - Civil War Diaries - Military, Prisons, Rebellions, Journals - CD/DVD125 BOOKS - Civil War Diaries - Military, Prisons, Rebellions, Journals - CD/DVD125 BOOKS - Civil War Diaries - Military, Prisons, Rebellions, Journals - CD/DVD125 BOOKS - Civil War Diaries - Military, Prisons, Rebellions, Journals - CD/DVD125 BOOKS - Civil War Diaries - Military, Prisons, Rebellions, Journals - CD/DVD

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Format: Digital (Physical Delivery)

Topic: Diaries, Rebellions, Military Prisons, Memoirs, Rebel Wars, Sketches, Famous Adventures, Personal Recollections

Country/Region of Manufacture: United States

Binding: DVD

Language: English

Author: sunshine-books

Publication Name: Wisconsin

Genre: History and Genealogy

Features: Magazines, Collector's Edition, Illustrated, Issues, Manuals, Publications, Collection, Library, Classic, Biographies, Catalogue

Book Title: Civil War Diaries


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