
159 BOOKS - Mississippi MS - History & Genealogy Ancestor County Record - USB

Description: Mississippi Book Collection on 16 GB USB FLASH DRIVE The Ultimate Collection of 159 Books This is the most complete collection on USB FLASH DRIVE for the best price on eBay. This item is delivered on a fully interactive 16 GB USB FLASH DRIVEreadable on all computers. The files are in PDF format to view, copy or print them easily. They are fully searchable. All our USBs are professionally produced, designed and packaged. This USB contains 159 interesting books about the Mississippi. You will discover information on many topics such as history of Mississippi, records, reviews, sketches, biographical and historical memoirs, cemetery and bible records, official statistical registers, proceedings and publications, as well as many illustrations of specific events, settings and portraits of honorable people and much more! This outstanding book collection serves as an excellent resource for anyone interested in history and genealogy! Contents: A history of Mississippi for use in schools (1892) - Lowry, R. - 332 pages Decrease of the wealth of Mississippi under radical misrule (1875) - George, J. Z. - 8 pages Marriage records, Neshoba county, Mississippi : bride and groom index, 1877-1907 (n.d.) - Yates, J. B. - 80 pages The early slave laws of Mississippi (1899) - Stone, A. H. - 28 pages The Mississippi Valley historical review Volume 2 (1914) - n.a. - 654 pages A complete history of Mississippi Baptists Volume 1 (1904) - Leavell, Z. T. - 740 pages A complete history of Mississippi Baptists Volume 2 (1904) - Leavell, Z. T. - 832 pages A historical sketch of the Quitman Guards, Company E, Sixteenth Mississippi Regiment, Harris' Brigade (1866) - n.a. - 96 pages A history of Columbus, Mississippi, during the 19th century (1909) - Lipscomb, W. L. - 252 pages A history of educational legislation in Mississippi from 1798 to 1860 (1921) - Weathersby, W. H. - 224 pages A history of the Baptists in the Western states east of the Mississippi (1896) - Smith, J. A. - 436 pages A history of the Mississippi Valley from its discovery to the end of foreign domination (1903) - Spears, J. R. - 608 pages A history of the Primitive Baptists of Mississippi : from the first settlement by the Americans, up to the middle of the XIXth century (1853) - Griffen, B. - 280 pages A pilgrimage in Europe and America, leading to the discovery of the sources of the Mississippi and Bloody River : with a description of the whole course of the former, and of the Ohio Volume 1 (1828) - Beltrami, G. C. - 584 pages A pilgrimage in Europe and America, leading to the discovery of the sources of the Mississippi and Bloody River : with a description of the whole course of the former, and of the Ohio Volume 2 (1828) - Beltrami, G. C. - 562 pages A second chapter concerning the discovery of the Mississippi River by De Soto, in Tunica county, Miss. (1918) - Rowland, D. - 22 pages A short history of the Mississippi valley (1901) - Hosmer, J. K. - 284 pages A sketch of the family of Richard McKay (1934) - McKay, O. R. - 62 pages A soldier's reminiscences in peace and war (1886) - Johnson, R. - 446 pages Argument of Robert J. Walker, esq. before the Supreme Court of the United States, on the Mississippi slave question, at January term, 1841. Involving the power of Congress and of the states to prohibit the inter-state slave trade (1841) - Walker, R. J. - 94 pages Besançon's annual register of the state of Mississippi, for the year 1838 (1838) - n.a. - 258 pages Biographical and historical memoirs of Mississippi, embracing an authentic and comprehensive account of the chief events in the history of the state and a record of the lives of many of the most worthy and illustrious families and individuals Volume 1 Part 1 (1891) - n.a. - 1340 pages Biographical and historical memoirs of Mississippi, embracing an authentic and comprehensive account of the chief events in the history of the state and a record of the lives of many of the most worthy and illustrious families and individuals Volume 1 Part 2 (1891) - n.a. - 1332 pages Biographical and historical memoirs of Mississippi, embracing an authentic and comprehensive account of the chief events in the history of the state and a record of the lives of many of the most worthy and illustrious families and individuals Volume 2 Part 1 (1891) - n.a. - 1164 pages Biographical and historical memoirs of Mississippi, embracing an authentic and comprehensive account of the chief events in the history of the state and a record of the lives of many of the most worthy and illustrious families and individuals Volume 2 Part 2 (1891) - n.a. - 1194 pages Border fights & fighters; stories of the pioneers between the Alleghenies and the Mississippi and in the Texan republic (1902) - Brady, C. T. - 446 pages Captain Glazier and his lake : an inquiry into the history and progress of exploration at the head-waters of the Mississippi since the discovery of Lake Itasca (1886) - Harrower, H. D. - 72 pages Cemetery and Bible records Volume 1 (1954) - n.a. - 244 pages Cemetery and Bible records Volume 10 (1954) - n.a. - 496 pages Cemetery and Bible records Volume 2 (1954) - n.a. - 240 pages Cemetery and Bible records Volume 3 (1954) - n.a. - 254 pages Cemetery and Bible records Volume 4 (1954) - n.a. - 244 pages Cemetery and Bible records Volume 5 (1954) - n.a. - 238 pages Cemetery and Bible records Volume 6 (1954) - n.a. - 242 pages Cemetery and Bible records Volume 7 (1954) - n.a. - 262 pages Cemetery and Bible records Volume 8 (1954) - n.a. - 470 pages Cemetery and Bible records Volume 9 (1954) - n.a. - 490 pages Clarke's Confederate household almanac, for the year 1863 : being the third year of the independence of the Confederate States of America (1863) - Clarke, H. C. - 22 pages Description of Banvard's panorama of the Mississippi river, painted on three miles of canvas: exhibiting a view of country 1200 miles in length, extending from the mouth of the Mississippi river to the city of New Orleans; being by far the largest picture ever executed by man (1847) - Banward, J. - 54 pages Discovery and exploration of the Mississippi Valley: with the original narratives of Marquette, Allouez, Membré, Hennepin, and Anastase Douay (1852) - Shea, J. G. - 372 pages Down the great river : embracing an account of the discovery of the true source of the Mississippi (1887) - Glazier, W. W. - 468 pages Early French forts and footprints of the valley of the Upper Mississippi (n.d.) - Neill, E. D. - 22 pages Early voyages up and down the Mississippi (1861) - Shea, J. G. - 204 pages Foot-prints of vanished races in the Mississippi valley : being an account of some of the monuments and relics of prehistoric races scattered over its surface, with suggestions as to their origin and uses (1879) - Conant, A. J. - 146 pages Forty years of the public schools in Mississippi, with special reference to the education of the Negro (1918) - Noble, S. G. - 160 pages Genealogy of Charles Allyn Williams of Urbana, Illinois and Mabel Clare Williams Kemmerer of Jackson, Mississippi (1951) - Williams, C. A. - 724 pages Genealogy of the nine Leavell brothers of Oxford, Mississippi (1957) - Leavell, C. H. - 306 pages Headwaters of the Mississippi : comprising biographical sketches of early and recent explorers of the great river, and a full account of the discovery and location of its true source in a lake beyond Itasca (1898) - Glazier, W. W. - 540 pages History of Company K, 27th Mississippi Infantry, and its first and last master rolls (1890) - Jarman, R. A. - 114 pages History of Hinds County, Mississippi, 1821-1922 (1922) - Rowland, E. O. - 70 pages History of Jasper County, Mississippi, cemetery records, 1834-1910, index of wills & land grants, 1834-1905 (1900) - Daniel, H. H. - 126 pages History of Newton County, Mississippi from 1834 to 1894 (1894) - Brown, A. J. - 486 pages History of the discovery of the Mississippi River and the advent of commerce in Minnesota (n.d.) - Blakeley, R. - 152 pages History of the ram fleet and the Mississippi marine brigade in the war for the union on the Mississippi and its tributaries. The story of the Ellets and their men (1907) - Crandall, W. D. - 478 pages History of the upper Mississippi Valley (1881) - Winchell, H. N. - 748 pages In and about Vicksburg. An illustrated guide book to the city of Vicksburg, Mississippi (1890) - Richardson, L. - 436 pages Indiana at Vicksburg (1911) - n.a. - 486 pages James' river guide : containing descriptions of all the cities, towns, and principal objects of interest on the navigable waters of the Mississippi Valley (1857) - James, U. P. - 140 pages Journal of the Senate of the State of Mississippi at a special session January, February, and March, 1902 (1902) - n.a. - 587 pages Laws of the state of Mississippi, passed at a called session of the Mississippi legislature, held in Columbus, February and March, 1865 (1865) - n.a. - 84 pages Laws of the state of Mississippi; passed at a called session of the Mississippi Legislature, held in the city of Jackson, July 1861 (1861) - n.a. - 98 pages Life and correspondence of John A. Quitman major-general, U.S.A., and governor of the state of Mississippi Volume 1 (1860) - Claiborne, J. F. H. - 418 pages Life and correspondence of John A. Quitman major-general, U.S.A., and governor of the state of Mississippi Volume 2 (1860) - Claiborne, J. F. H. - 406 pages Louis Hennepin, the Franciscan : first explorer of the upper Mississippi River (1872) - Neill, E. D. - 313 pages Marches of the dragoons in the Mississippi Valley: an account of marches and activities of the First regiment United States dragoons in the Mississippi Valley between the years 1833 and 1850 (1917) - Pelzer, L. - 304 pages Mississippi and the compromise of 1850 (1913) - Hearon, C. C. - 234 pages Mississippi Baptist preachers (1895) - Foster, L. S. - 764 pages Mississippi in 1883. Report of the Select committee to inquire into the Mississippi election of 1883 (1884) - Hoar, G. F. - 784 pages Mississippi negro lore (1914) - Davis, S. F. - 48 pages Mississippi provincial archives 1763-1766 (1911) - Rowland, D. - 598 pages Mississippi scenes; or, sketches of southern and western life and adventure (1851) - Cobb, J. B. - 260 pages Mississippi; comprising sketches of towns, events, institutions, and persons, arranged in cyclopedic form Volume 1 (1907) - Rowland, D. - 1026 pages Mississippi; comprising sketches of towns, events, institutions, and persons, arranged in cyclopedic form Volume 2 (1907) - Rowland, D. - 1030 pages Mississippi; comprising sketches of towns, events, institutions, and persons, arranged in cyclopedic form Volume 3 (1907) - Rowland, D. - 936 pages Narrative of an expedition through the upper Mississippi to Itasca Lake, the actual source of this river : embracing an exploratory trip through the St. Croix and Burntwood (or Broule) Rivers, in 1832 (1834) - Schoolcraft, H. R. - 315 pages Narrative of Henry Watson, a fugitive slave (1848) - Watson, H. - 60 pages Negro progress in a Mississippi town, being a study of conditions in Jackson, Mississippi (1909) - Woodard, D. W. - 16 pages Officers and privates who enlisted in the Confederate States Army from Wilkinson County, Mississippi, 1861-1865 (1903) - Miller, W. C. - 28 pages Official and statistical register of the state of Mississippi 1908 Volume 1 (1908) - n.a. - 888 pages Official and statistical register of the state of Mississippi 1908 Volume 2 (1908) - n.a. - 964 pages Official and statistical register of the state of Mississippi 1908 Volume 3 (1908) - n.a. - 914 pages Official and statistical register of the state of Mississippi 1917 Volume 1 (1917) - n.a. - 1144 pages Official and statistical register of the state of Mississippi 1917 Volume 2 (1917) - n.a. - 1084 pages Official letter books of W.C.C. Claiborne, 1801-1816 Volume 1 (1917) - Claiborne, W. C. C. - 414 pages Official letter books of W.C.C. Claiborne, 1801-1816 Volume 2 (1917) - Claiborne, W. C. C. - 404 pages Official letter books of W.C.C. Claiborne, 1801-1816 Volume 3 (1917) - Claiborne, W. C. C. - 406 pages Official letter books of W.C.C. Claiborne, 1801-1816 Volume 4 (1917) - Claiborne, W. C. C. - 480 pages Official letter books of W.C.C. Claiborne, 1801-1816 Volume 5 (1917) - Claiborne, W. C. C. - 410 pages Old Biloxi the first settlement in Mississippi (1920) - Rowland, D. - 28 pages Our new West. Records of travel between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean (1869) - Bowles, S. - 542 pages Panorama of the seat of war: birds eye view of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and part of Florida (1861) - Bachmann, J. - 2 pages Proceedings of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association Volume 1 (1908) - n.a. - 160 pages Proceedings of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association Volume 10 (1908) - n.a. - 548 pages Proceedings of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association Volume 2 (1908) - n.a. - 296 pages Proceedings of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association Volume 3 (1908) - n.a. - 464 pages Proceedings of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association Volume 4 (1908) - n.a. - 328 pages Proceedings of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association Volume 5 (1908) - n.a. - 280 pages Proceedings of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association Volume 6 (1908) - n.a. - 448 pages Proceedings of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association Volume 7 (1908) - n.a. - 410 pages Proceedings of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association Volume 8 (1908) - n.a. - 372 pages Proceedings of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association Volume 9 (1908) - n.a. - 492 pages Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society Volume 1 (1916) - Rowland, D. - 676 pages Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society Volume 10 (1909) - Rowland, D. - 588 pages Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society Volume 11 (1910) - Rowland, D. - 474 pages Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society Volume 12 (1912) - Rowland, D. - 522 pages Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society Volume 13 (1913) - Riley, F. L. - 334 pages Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society Volume 14 (1914) - Riley, F. L. - 340 pages Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society Volume 2 (1918) - Rowland, D. - 618 pages Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society Volume 3 (1919) - Rowland, D. - 290 pages Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society Volume 4 (1921) - Rowland, D. - 320 pages Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society Volume 5 (1902) - Rowland, D. - 412 pages Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society Volume 6 (1902) - Rowland, D. - 594 pages Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society Volume 7 (1903) - Rowland, D. - 568 pages Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society Volume 8 (1904) - Rowland, D. - 622 pages Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society Volume 9 (1906) - Rowland, D. - 604 pages Reconstruction in Mississippi (1901) - Garner, J. W. - 442 pages Record of the organizations engaged in the campaign, siege, and defense of Vicksburg (1901) - Kountz, J. S. - 90 pages Records of ancient races in the Mississippi Valley; being an account of some of the pictographs, sculptured hieroglyphs, symbolic devices, emblems and traditions of the prehistoric races of America, with some suggestions as to their origin (1887) - McAdams, W. - 148 pages Relation of M. Penicaut (1880) - Neill, E. D. - 20 pages Reminiscences, sketches and addresses, selected from my papers during a ministry of forty-five years in Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas (1874) - Hutchison, J. R. - 230 pages Resolutions of the Legislature of Mississippi, in favor of a Southern Convention (1860) - n.a. - 12 pages Roster and sketches of the several military companies which were in regular service of the Confererate States during the Civil War from Yazoo County, Miss. (1905) - n.a. - 52 pages School laws of the state of Mississippi (1918) - n.a. - 160 pages School laws of the state of Mississippi enacted by the legislature at regular session (1888) - n.a. - 36 pages School laws, state of Mississippi (1906) - n.a. - 68 pages Slavery in Mississippi (n.d.) - Sydnor, C. S. - 294 pages Speeches, messages, and other writings of the Hon. Albert G. Brown, a senator in Congress from the state of Mississippi (1859) - Brown, A. G. - 646 pages Strange stories of the Great river; the adventures of a boy explorer (1918) - Grosvenor, A. - 224 pages Summary narrative of an exploratory expedition to the sources of the Mississippi River, in 1820: resumed and completed, by the discovery of its origin in Itasca Lake, in 1832 (1855) - Schoolcraft, H. R. - 620 pages The Chisolm massacre: a picture of "home rule" in Mississippi (1878) - Wells, J. M. - 348 pages The facts of reconstruction (1913) - Lynch, J. R. - 342 pages The flush times of Alabama and Mississippi, a series of sketches (1891) - Baldwin, J. G. - 362 pages The Howells, Monroe County, Mississippi, 1812-1949 (1949) - Howell, H. G. - 184 pages The John Douglas family of Mississippi (1962) - Douglas, E. L. - 376 pages The last French post in the valley of the upper Mississippi, near Frontenac, Minn (1887) - Neill, E. D. - 32 pages The leading Afro-Americans of Vicksburg, Miss., their enterprises, churches, schools, lodges and societies (1908) - Mollison, W. E. - 92 pages The man with the iron hand (1922) - Parish, J. C. - 318 pages The Mississippi (1881) - Greene, F. V. - 301 pages The Mississippi basin The struggle in America between England and France (1895) - Winsor, J. - 508 pages The Mississippi territorial archives, 1798-1803 (1905) - Rowland, D. - 642 pages The Mississippi Valley historical review Volume 3 (1914) - n.a. - 602 pages The Mississippi Valley historical review Volume 4 (1914) - n.a. - 588 pages The Mississippi Valley historical review Volume 5 (1914) - n.a. - 638 pages The Mississippi Valley historical review Volume 6 (1914) - n.a. - 610 pages The Mississippi Valley historical review Volume 7 (1914) - n.a. - 440 pages The Mississippi Valley historical review Volume 8 (1914) - n.a. - 432 pages The Mississippi Valley historical review Volume 9 (1914) - n.a. - 370 pages The Mississippi Valley in the Civil War (1900) - Fiske, J. - 464 pages The Mississippi Valley, and prehistoric events (1879) - Walker, C. B. - 550 pages The Negro In Mississippi 1865-1890 (1947) - Lane, W. V. - 323 pages The opening of the Mississippi; a struggle for supremacy in the American interior (1904) - Ogg, F. A. - 702 pages The pioneers, preachers and people of the Mississippi Valley (1860) - Milburn, W. H. - 465 pages The question of the sources of the Mississippi River (1898) - Levasseur, E. - 26 pages The source of the Mississippi (1898) - Winchell, N. H. - 18 pages The sources of the Mississippi; their discoverers, real and pretended (1894) - Barker, J. H. - 36 pages The valley of shadows (1913) - Grierson, F. - 362 pages Upper Mississippi: pr, historical sketches of the mound-builders, the indian tribes, and the progress of civilization in the north-west (1867) - Gale, G. - 476 pages With Grant at Fort Donelson, Shiloh and Vicksburg, and an appreciation of General U. S. Grant (1915) - Crummer, W. F. - 210 pages Zigzag journeys on the Mississippi, from Chicago to the islands of the discovery (1892) - Butterworth, H. - 332 pages Here are a few images from the collection: Attention eBay Staff: The books on this media were copyrighted prior to January 1, 1923 and/or are Government publications which are free of copyright restrictions. This media resides within the Public Domain as defined by the United States Copyright Office. This ad complies with all eBay rules and regulations.

Price: 9.95 USD

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159 BOOKS - Mississippi MS - History & Genealogy Ancestor County Record - USB159 BOOKS - Mississippi MS - History & Genealogy Ancestor County Record - USB159 BOOKS - Mississippi MS - History & Genealogy Ancestor County Record - USB159 BOOKS - Mississippi MS - History & Genealogy Ancestor County Record - USB159 BOOKS - Mississippi MS - History & Genealogy Ancestor County Record - USB159 BOOKS - Mississippi MS - History & Genealogy Ancestor County Record - USB159 BOOKS - Mississippi MS - History & Genealogy Ancestor County Record - USB159 BOOKS - Mississippi MS - History & Genealogy Ancestor County Record - USB159 BOOKS - Mississippi MS - History & Genealogy Ancestor County Record - USB159 BOOKS - Mississippi MS - History & Genealogy Ancestor County Record - USB159 BOOKS - Mississippi MS - History & Genealogy Ancestor County Record - USB159 BOOKS - Mississippi MS - History & Genealogy Ancestor County Record - USB

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Topic: Historical

Author: Historybooks24

Language: English

Special Attributes: eBook (Physical Delivery)

Subject: History


Country/Region of Manufacture: United States

Subtopics: Mississippi

Subtopic: Civil War, Camp, Courts, Military




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