
1817 Sex Orationum Partes Ante Nostram Aetatem Ineditae Cicero Latin Scarce

Description: Click here to see our other books! M Tullii Ciceronis Sex Orationum Partes Ante Nostram Aetatem Ineditae Cum Antiquo Interprete Ante Nostram Item Aetatem Inedito Qui Videtur Asconius Pedianus ad Tullianas Septem Orationes. Accedunt Scholia Minora Vetera. Editio Altera Quam ad Codices Ambrosianos Recensvit Emendavit et Auxit ac Descriptione Codicum Cxlix. Vita Ciceronis Aliisque Additamentis Instruxit Angelus Maius Ambrosiani Collegii Doctor Cicero 1817 Regiis Typis : Mediolani; [Milan] 9.5" by 6" [9], x-xvi, 47, [2], 308,[3], 2-37, [4pp] SUMMARY A collection of legal speeches delivered by Cicero, the influential Roman statesman and philosopher. Rebound Overall Condition: Very Good This book weighs 1 KG when packed UK Postage: £ 3.99 US Postage: £ 22.99 EU Postage: £ 16.99 European Postage: £ 17.99 Asia Postage: £ 22.99 Worldwide Postage: £ 28.99 DESCRIPTION In the original Latin. A collection of speeches by Cicero, mostly his legal speeches. Including his 54 BC speech 'Pro Scauro', which was in defense of Marcus Aemilius Scaurus, his 71 BC speech 'Pro Tullio', on behalf of Tullius, his 62 BC speech 'Pro Archia Poeta', in defense of Aulus Licinius Archias, 62 BC 'Pro Sulla', in defense of Gnaeus Plancius, his 56 BC speech 'In Vatinium Testem', which was against the witness Publicius Vatinius at the trial of Sestius, and many other speeches. With a frontispiece, and two folding plates to the rear. Cicero was a Roman statesman, lawyer, and philosopher. He is generally considered to be one of Rome's greatest speakers and stylists. He had a great influence on the Latin language, it being stated that the history of prose was a return to or reaction to his style of speaking and writing. CONDITION In paper wraps. Externally, sound. Holes to the rear wrap, with some evidence of worming. Light lifting to the joints, with some loss of paper. Marking and discolouration to the wraps. Light edgewear. Internally, generally firmly bound. Pages are bright and clean. Loss to the two folding plates due to worming, resulting in some loss of image. Some pages uncut to the fore edge. Overall Condition: Very Good GLOSSARY OF TERMS Overall Condition (Dustwrapper condition rating is shown after that for the book itself, where a dustwrapper is present) Fine - Very well preserved copy showing very little wear Very Good Indeed - Only one or two minor faults, really a very attractive copy Very Good - Quite a wide term meaning no major faults but probably several smaller ones often expected given the age of the book, but still a respectable copy Good - Meaning not very good. Some more serious faults as will be described in the condition report under 'condition' Good Only - Meaning one or more faults that could really do with repair Fair - As with good only above but with other faults leaving a compromised copy even after repair Poor - Really bad and possibly seriously incomplete. We only sell books in this condition where their rarity or value makes them attractive none the less. Major defects will be described. GUARANTEE We offer a full money back guarantee on our descriptions. Please ask for details and conditions. We prefer PAYPAL. If you pay via PAYPAL we will post the item off the same or the next working day with the postage you have selected. Please note we cannot accept USD cheques

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1817 Sex Orationum Partes Ante Nostram Aetatem Ineditae Cicero Latin Scarce1817 Sex Orationum Partes Ante Nostram Aetatem Ineditae Cicero Latin Scarce1817 Sex Orationum Partes Ante Nostram Aetatem Ineditae Cicero Latin Scarce1817 Sex Orationum Partes Ante Nostram Aetatem Ineditae Cicero Latin Scarce1817 Sex Orationum Partes Ante Nostram Aetatem Ineditae Cicero Latin Scarce1817 Sex Orationum Partes Ante Nostram Aetatem Ineditae Cicero Latin Scarce

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Author: Cicero

Binding: Paperback

Fiction Subject: Literary Criticism

Non-Fiction Subject: History

Language: Latin

Year Printed: 1817

Place of Publication: Mediolani; [Milan]

Weight: 1.000000

Special Attributes: None

Original/Facsimile: Original

Publisher: Regiis Typis

Illustrator: None

Original/Reproduction: Original


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1817 Sex Orationum Partes Ante Nostram Aetatem Ineditae Cicero Latin Scarce
1817 Sex Orationum Partes Ante Nostram Aetatem Ineditae Cicero Latin Scarce


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1817 Sex Orationum Partes Ante Nostram Aetatem Ineditae Cicero Latin Scarce
1817 Sex Orationum Partes Ante Nostram Aetatem Ineditae Cicero Latin Scarce


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