Description: Transactions of the British and Foreign Institute for 1845. Printed in London by Fisher, Son, and Co. 1845, 488 pp. 11” x 9”. 4to. Hardcover decorative full cloth. As-is, with binding on spine detached. Boards heavily worn and essentially detached. Frontispiece portrait of Prince Albert adjacent to title page. Splitting to text block. Variety of pages detached, including frontispiece, plates, and end pages. Some plates may be missing. Light markings. Nicely illustrated throughout. General age-related toning to pages, along with periodic foxing and wear. Please see photographs and ask any questions prior to purchasing. A scarce piece on British and European history, travel, and more. A wonderful candidate for restoration and rebacking. FORN-SHELF-0469-BB-1124-aj2994
Price: 250 USD
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Item Specifics
All returns accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted
Binding: Hardcover
Place of Publication: London
Language: English
Special Attributes: Illustrated
Region: Europe
Publisher: Fisher, Son, & Co.
Topic: Historical
Country/Region of Manufacture: United Kingdom
Subject: History
Original/Facsimile: Original
Year Printed: 1845