
186 old FOOD STAMP Set PUERTO RICO +23 Extra Good For Coin Token Vale medalla

Description: VISIT MY STORE / VISITA MI TIENDA SOBRE 1,000 SUBASTAS MENSUALES / OVER 1,000 MONTHLY AUCTIONS GANE $1 POR CADA $20 COMPRADO / EARN $1 PER EACH $20 BOUGHTPROUD MEMBER OF ANA, TNA, SNPR, NTCA, ECI, CC>CC, NGC, USNS *******PRM*******186 GENUINE USDA FOOD STAMP TOKEN+ 23 FREEBIES!USDA FOOD STAMPTOKEN / SCRIP*** 209 TOTAL***Different Pieces186 AUTHENTIC + 23 FREEBIESMEGA SET LOTCOLLECTIONPUERTO RICOWHAT YOU SEEIS EXACTLYWHAT YOU'LL GETPUERTO RICOFICHA DEL PROGRAMADE CUPONES DE ALIMENTOSGUARANTEED + 45 - 50 YEARS OLD******* 1974 - 1979 ******* FOR ENGLISH PLEASE SEE BELOW SPANISH EXPLANATION SPANISH: SUBASTA DE UNA COLECCION. USTED RECIBIRA EXACTAMENTE LAS FICHAS MOSTRADAS EN LA FOTO. SI USTED DESEA COMPRAR ALGUNA POR SEPARADO COMUNIQUESE CONMIGO Y SI TENGO ESA PIEZA SE LA VENDERE. USUALMENTE YO NO ROMPO SETS A MENOS QUE USTED ME OFRESCA UN PAGO TAN BUENO POR LA PIEZA QUE ME SEA IMPOSIBLE IGNORAR.ESTAS FICHAS, LAS CUALES PUEDEN SER PLASTICAS O EN MATERIAL DE GOMA DURA, ESTAMPADAS, O A RELIEVE, O FICHAS EN MADERA, CARTON, O PAPEL, APARECEN DEBIDAMENTE LISTADAS EN EL CATALOGO A NIVEL NACIONAL " FOOD STAMP CREDIT TOKENS " PUBLICADO EN 2020 POR B. CREEL Y J. OSTENDORF, CON 40 PAGINAS DESCRIBIENDO MAS DE 2000 FICHAS DE CUPONES DE PUERTO RICO, Y DEL CUAL YO FUI COLABORADOR, JUNTO CON OTROS EXPERTOS BORICUAS. ESTA EN INGLES, ELLOS LO VENDEN, VEA LAS FOTOS PARA QUE TENGA UNA IDEA.!SALUDOS! HE AQUI UNA BREVE SINOPSIS DE LA HISTORIA DE LAS FICHAS & VALES DE CUPONES, UNA VEZ COMUNES, NO TAN SOLO EN COLMADOS & SUPERMERCADOS, SINO TAMBIEN USADAS EN PUESTOS DE PLAZAS DE MERCADO, CARNICERIAS, PANADERIAS, & HASTA TIENDAS DE ESTACIONES DE GASOLINA! MIENTRAS MUCHOS DE ESTOS COMERCIOS EXISTEN, YA LA MAYORIA HAN CESADO O CAMBIADO DE NOMBRE & ADMINISTRACION MUCHAS VECES, LO QUE DIFICULTA EL HALLARLAS. AL COMENZAR EL PROGRAMA DE CUPONES DE ALIMENTOS EN PUERTO RICO LOS BENEFICIARIOS RECIBIAN MENSUALMENTE POR PERSONA O GRUPO FAMILIAR UNA CANTIDAD DETERMINADA DE DINERO EN LIBRETAS DE CUPONES DE VARIAS DENOMINACIONES $1.00 (MARRON-BROWN) $5.00 (PURPURA) & $10.00 (VERDE MONTE) PARA COMPRAR SOLAMENTE ALIMENTOS EN ESTABLECIMIENTOS AUTORIZADOS POR U.S.D.A., LA LEY ESTABLECIA QUE LOS COMERCIANTES NO PODIAN DEVOLVER CAMBIO EN MONEDA OFICIAL (METALICO). COMO NO EXISTIAN CUPONES POR VALOR MENOR A UN DOLAR LOS COMERCIANTES SE INGENIARON LOS MEDIOS PARA PODER CUMPLIR CON LOS REQUISITOS DE LEY Y OPTARON POR UTILIZAR, PRIMERAMENTE, LOS RECIBOS POR LA PARTE POSTERIOR LA CANTIDAD DE CREDITO, PERO ESTOS RESULTARON NO SER PRACTICOS, PUES PODIAN SER FALSIFICADOS. LUEGO ALGUNOS COMERCIANTES UTILIZARON: SELLOS DE GOMA, ESTAMPANDOSE EN LA TIENDA. DESPUES DECIDIERON UTILIZAR TARJETAS IMPRESAS EN CARTULINA O PAPEL, MEDIANTE METODOS DE LITOGRAFIA, SERIGRAFIA, DITTO, O MIMEOGRAFO, LOCALMENTE. PARA 1977 SE ADOPTO EL UTILIZAR FICHAS PLASTICAS DURADERAS. ALGUNOS COMERCIANTES UTILIZARON "WOODEN NICKELS", MIENTRAS LA CADENA GRAND UNION UTILIZO FICHAS EN ALUMINIO. LAS FICHAS FUERON FABRICADAS EN VARIOS ESTILOS, DIAMETROS, VALORES & COLORES. MAYORMENTE HECHAS EN ESTADOS UNIDOS, POR LO REGULAR SE IMPRIMIAN MEDIANTE UN PROCESO CON CALOR, IMPRIMIENDOSE EN TINTA, EN EL ANVERSO: NOMBRE DEL COMERCIO, LOCALIDAD, PUEBLO & NUMERO DE AUTORIZACION. AL REVERSO: LA LEYENDA: PROGRAMA DE CUPONES PARA ALIMENTOS AUTORIZADOS, O EN INGLES: "FOOD STAMP CREDIT IN ELIGIBLE FOODS", CON EL VALOR AL CENTRO. A FINALES DE 1979 SE AUTORIZA A LOS COMERCIANTES EL CAMBIO DEL SOBRANTE DE LOS CUPONES POR MONEDA OFICIAL, POR LO CUAL LAS FICHAS & VALES SON DESCARTADOS. EN LA ACTUALIDAD, LA COLECCION Y CONSERVACION DE FICHAS & VALES ES DE GRAN INTERES HISTORICO - NUMISMATICO. MIENTRAS LAS FICHAS DE GRANDES CADENAS & MERCADOS DE LO CENTROS URBANOS SE HAYAN CON BASTANTE SEGURIDAD, ALGUNAS PIEZAS, PRINCIPALMENTE, DE COLMADOS CENTRADOS EN EL INTERIOR DE LA ISLA SON MUY RAROS O YA IMPOSIBLES DE CONSEGUIR.ENGLISH: Howdy!For sale THE SAME EXACT COLLECTION / ASSORTMENT OF PIECES SHOWN ABOVE. WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET. PLEASE CHECK CONDITION OF PIECES BEFORE BIDDING. I PROMISE NO BROKEN PIECES. IF YOU ONLY NEED A SPECIFIC PIECE / PIECES, JUST CONTACT ME, I WILL CHECK IF I HAVE ANY EXTRAS. BE AWERE ONE I PUT TOGETHER A SET I WILL NOT BREAK IT TO EXTRACT JUST ONE OR A FEW PIECES, UNLESS YOUR OFFER IS JUICY ENOUGH TO CHANGE MY MIND. Each of the authentic pieces are from the era when food stamp tokens were used in Puerto Rico, 1974 through 1979, guaranteed to be over 45 to 50 years old. Please refer to the 2020 catalog FOOD STAMP CREDIT TOKENS by Buckner Creel and John Ostendorf, in which I also collaborated, to get the whole information. Even though most PR tokens were minted in the traditional colors of Black 1c, Green 5c, Blue 10c, Red 25c, and Pink 50c, etc., this set will include several interesting deviations to this rule right before the close or end of this government program, simply to avoid confusion with the tokens from a neighboring grocery store or supermarket chain.In any case, please refer to the huge 2020 catalog FOOD STAMP CREDIT TOKENS by Buckner Creel and John Ostendorf, in which I also collaborated, alongside Puerto Rican token experts, on its P.R token section. HISTORY OF PUERTO RICO FOOD STAMP TOKENS PUBLIC LAW 88-525 OF AUGUST 31, 1964, AMENDED 1973 TO BENEFIT LOW INCOME PEOPLE IN NEED.Similar to what happened in mainland USA, beneficiaries were first issued a booklet of food stamp money of pre determined value in accordance to need. Each booklet had paper money checks in values of $1 brown note, $5 purple note, and $10 green note. In the beginning it was forbidden for merchants to give back any change. As customers demanded change, merchants were first forced to write down the amount of any change left at the back of the receipt, in order for the customer to use that change at a future purchase. As this lead to counterfeiting signatures and such, merchants started rubbing stamping amounts at the back of receipts, which eventually lead to merchants issuing paper scrips, usually provided by a local printing source, through a variety of processes, such as ditto, lithography, serigraph, or photocopy. At around 1977 merchants in mainland USA started issuing plastic tokens, which immediately took hold in Puerto Rico. Plastic tokens were good against counterfeiting, illegal printing at a local source, and above all, very durable, which lead to less expenses making more runs of it. Half a dozen North American companies with sales representatives in the island supplied local merchants their tokens. It is known of one local plastic token manufacturer whose tokens we know, and who was located on the West coast of Puerto Rico, but whose identity I yet do not know. American companies issued tokens with the familiar phrase "Food Stamp Credit in Eligible Foods" surrounding a denomination on one side, with the merchants business name, address, and U.S.D.A. license number or other information, on the opposite side. Eventually, local merchants demanded their tokens to be in Spanish: " Programa de Cupones para Alimentos Autorizados ". Some later issues would disregard that phrase, and only include the merchants information and token denomination on one side, leaving the opposite side blank. By 1979 the U.S.D.A. authorized merchants to give ca$h change to Food Stamp Credit recipients, hence making the token thing obsolete overnight. Sadly, the great majority ended in the trash, very few examples surviving, thanks to visionary thinking from a few serious collectors. Still, from the approximately 3,500 pieces issued, well over half, specially the early paper scripts, have disappeared forever, only known to have existed thanks to written documentation showing the merchant had U.S.D.A. license to accept Food Stamp credit money, and to first hand accounts from customers who used them. As English tokens came first, these are usually scarcer, hence more valuable. Many merchants had the same token in the English version and then Spanish version, which makes Puerto Rican food stamp credit tokens and scrips so much more fun - and challenging to collect - than collecting food stamp tokens of other American jurisdictions, because of the addiction developed by the wanting to have a given island merchant tokens both in its English 5 pieces version and in its Spanish 5 pieces version, thus if a normal set is 5 pieces (1,5,10,25,50 cents) becomes 10 pieces in PR. Another situation is the fact that many of the Spanish tokens later made had the phrase separated from the denomination by 1 or by 2 circles: As merchants that were very successful had to replenish their depleted stock of tokens by ordering a new badge of the same, tokens of the first Spanish badge having 1 circle now get mingled with tokens of the 2nd badge having 2 circles! Thus at the end of the day, some merchants sets become 15 pieces: English, Spanish 1 circle, and Spanish 2 circles. And in cases of the earlier merchants, you even have paper scrips, so probably 20 piece set, if not more!!!ENVIO / SHIPPING :EMPAQUE / PACKAGINGEnviamos dentro de mica, cartón, cápsula, o protector acrílico, envuelto entre cartón grueso o burbuja, dentro de sobre o caja sellado con cinta adhesiva a los 4 lados. Haremos todo lo posible por resolver su problema y ganar su satisfacción. Algunas medalla o moneda quizá sea enviada en cápsula de acrílico como cortesía nuestra. Debido a que usted pagó por la medalla o moneda, y no por la cápsula, nosotros no somos responsables de reemplazar cápsulas recibidas rotas. Debido a que las medallas vienen con alguna que otra imperfección de fábrica, es normal que una medalla contenga algún rayacito o cantacito mínimo de lo cual no somos responsables. Las antiguedades que vendemos tienen imperfecciones por vejez, uso y desgaste, que pudieran no reflejarse en las fotos. Por eso sólo reemplazaremos o devolveremos dinero en caso de mercancía recibida gravemente dañada. Clientes que abusen con reclamaciones exageradas e infundadas serán bloqueados en el futuro. Items are put inside plastic wrap, coin flip or capsule, foam insert, card protector, bank note jacket, FDC jacket, or similar protective method, then shipped padded within card board or bubble wrap inside an envelope or box. We’ll do everything we can to help you and get your 5 stars. Some medals or coins may be shipped inside plastic capsules as a courtesy of ours. Because you paid for a medal or coin, and not for an acrylic capsule, we are not to be held responsible over capsules received cracked or broken. Medals received from the factory will feature minor scratches or nicks over which we shouldn't be held responsible. Likewise, vintage items we sell may feature imperfections due to age, tear, and wear, which may not reflect on the photos. Due to this, we will only replace or provide refund on items received greatly damaged. Clients maliciously seeking to take advantage of the system by placing bogus or exaggerated claims will be blocked from making future business with us.GASTOS DE ENVIO/ SHIPPING CHARGESSUBASTAS pagan envío: 1er ítem gano pagará $2.99 o más; cada ítem adicional pagará $1.99 de envío. (a menos que se indique lo contrario)AUCTION ITEMS will pay: 1st Auction item won pays either $2.99 or MORE. Each additional item will pay $1.99 each. (unless otherwise noted) EXTRANJEROS / INTERNATIONAL BUYERSPara más seguridad y proteger su inversión, utilizamos el Sistema de Envío Global Ebay. Si desea método alterno debe informarme antes de comprar. El comprador pagará los gastos de envío, incluyendo seguro y código de seguimeinto. NO ENVIAMOS SIN SEGURO PAGO.To insure your investment, we use Ebay’s Global Shipment system. If you want another method we must be asked prior to any purchase. Buyers will pay all shipping charges, to include insurance and tracking. WE WON’T SHIP ITEMS UNINSURED!PAGO TARDE / LATE PAYMENT POLICYPara facilitar y aligerar el proceso de envíos, hemos automatizado nuestro sistema de cobro: EBay procesará todo comprador malicioso que no haya saldado su compra en 7 días.Due to the large amount of items being sold, and to streamline expedient shipping process, effective APRIL 3, 2014 Ebay's automated non-payer assistant will start processing orders not paid within 7 days of purchase.NO EXCEPTIONS! TIEMPO DE ENVIO / WAITING TIMETodos los artículos serán procesados y enviados dentro de 10 dias laborables a partir de la fecha de pago. Visitamos el correo sólo 1 vez por semana, y NO somos responsables por artículos que tarden más de lo debido por culpa del sistema postal. CON SU COMPRA, USTED APRUEBA LO ARRIBA ESCRITO Y SE COMPROMETE A NO QUEJARSE POR RETRASOS EN EL RECIBO DE SUS ARTICULOS, SOBRE LO CUAL NO TENEMOS CONTROL.All items will be processed and shipped within 10 working days from date paid. We ship items only Once a week, and we are definitely not liable for items that might take longer to arrive than expected due to our postal system’s mismanagement. BY PURCHASING FROM US YOU UNDERSTAND OUR POLICIES, AND YOU AGREE NOT TO FILE ANY MALICIOUS COMPLAINT IN REGARDS OF ANY DELAY INCURRED, OVER WHICH WE HAVE NO CONTROL.CANCELACION / PURCHASE RETRACTIONNo cancelamos compras, favor seguir reglas de Ebay.Se puede retraer una puja de artículo en subasta a más de 12 horas antes de terminar la subasta. Se puede retraer una puja de artículo en subasta a menos de 12 horas antes de terminar la subasta, únicamente si se retrae la puja en menos de 1 hora de cometido el error y a más de 1 hora de que cierre la subasta. Toda compra a de artículo a precio fijo necesita del cliente una aprobación de la compra. Una vez el cliente confirma la compra del artículo a precio fijo, el cliente queda comprometido a pagarla.No Purchase Cancellation Allowed:Please remember that every bid is binding. Bidding on multiple identical items should be done only if you intend to buy all of the items. A bid on eBay is considered a contract, and you're obligated to purchase the item. You can retract from bidding if the listing ends in more than 12 hours, or if the listing ends in less than 12 hours, but only if you retract the bid within one hour of placing it. No retraction is allowed within the last 59 minutes of an auction closing. You cannot retract a purchase made through a Buy It Now listing. Once you confirm your purchase, you are obligated to pay the seller.

Price: 399 USD

Location: Mansfield, Texas

End Time: 2024-08-03T20:28:17.000Z

Shipping Cost: 0 USD

Product Images

186 old FOOD STAMP Set PUERTO RICO +23 Extra Good For Coin Token Vale medalla186 old FOOD STAMP Set PUERTO RICO +23 Extra Good For Coin Token Vale medalla186 old FOOD STAMP Set PUERTO RICO +23 Extra Good For Coin Token Vale medalla186 old FOOD STAMP Set PUERTO RICO +23 Extra Good For Coin Token Vale medalla186 old FOOD STAMP Set PUERTO RICO +23 Extra Good For Coin Token Vale medalla186 old FOOD STAMP Set PUERTO RICO +23 Extra Good For Coin Token Vale medalla186 old FOOD STAMP Set PUERTO RICO +23 Extra Good For Coin Token Vale medalla186 old FOOD STAMP Set PUERTO RICO +23 Extra Good For Coin Token Vale medalla186 old FOOD STAMP Set PUERTO RICO +23 Extra Good For Coin Token Vale medalla186 old FOOD STAMP Set PUERTO RICO +23 Extra Good For Coin Token Vale medalla186 old FOOD STAMP Set PUERTO RICO +23 Extra Good For Coin Token Vale medalla186 old FOOD STAMP Set PUERTO RICO +23 Extra Good For Coin Token Vale medalla186 old FOOD STAMP Set PUERTO RICO +23 Extra Good For Coin Token Vale medalla186 old FOOD STAMP Set PUERTO RICO +23 Extra Good For Coin Token Vale medalla186 old FOOD STAMP Set PUERTO RICO +23 Extra Good For Coin Token Vale medalla

Item Specifics

Restocking Fee: No

Return shipping will be paid by: Buyer

All returns accepted: Returns Accepted

Item must be returned within: 30 Days

Refund will be given as: Money back or replacement (buyer's choice)



186 old FOOD STAMP Set PUERTO RICO +23 Extra Good For Coin Token Vale medalla
186 old FOOD STAMP Set PUERTO RICO +23 Extra Good For Coin Token Vale medalla


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