Description: Very good or better condition. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE CIVIL AERONAUTICS ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON, D. C. Practical Air Navigation By Thoburn C. Lyon U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Civil Aeronautics Bulletin No. 24 SEPTEMBER 1940 ----------- 2 ----------- UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE CIVIL AERONAUTICS ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON, D. C. Practical Air Navigation By Thoburn C. Lyon Cartographic Engineer U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Civil Aeronautics Bulletin No. 24 SEPTEMBER 1940 This publication supersedes U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Special Publication No. 197, Practical Air Navigation and the Use of the Aeronautical Charts of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, which has been discontinued DEPARTMENT UNITED STA OF COMMERCE AMERICA UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1940 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Price $1.00 ----------- 3 ----------- CONTENTS Chapter I-THE PROBLEMS OF AIR NAVIGATION The problem of flight.. The problem of the aircraft. The problem of aids to navigation... Page Page 1 The problem of traffic control.. 4 1 The problem of charts... 5 Questions... 6 Chapter II. THE EARTH: ITS FORM, COORDINATES, AND REPRESENTATION Surface navigation and air naviga- Time... tion.. 8 Representation of a sphere.. 13 The earth as a planet.. 8 Properties obtainable in a projection. Navigation on a spherical earth. 9 The Mercator projection.. Coordinates of the earth. 9 The Lambert projection.. Distance on a sphere.. 11 222222 15 15 18 Questions... Chapter III-INSTRUMENTS The five fundamental instruments: The clock. Other instruments-Continued. 24 The artificial horizon. 32 The altimeter. 25 Radio receiver.. 32 The magnetic compass. 26 Radio compass.. 33 The air speed indicator.. 29 Radio direction finder. 33 The drift sight. Automatic radio direction finder. 34 Other instruments: Radio altimeter. 34 The directional gyro.. 31 Questions... 35 Chapter IV. CHART READING Distinctive properties of charts. 36 Aeronautical data-Continued. The importance of chart reading.... Topographie information: 36 Airports.. 45 Other aeronautical data (miscel- Water features. 37 laneous). 46 Cultural features. 38 Civil airways. 50 Relief 40 Projection and scales. 51 Aeronautical data: The flight check. 52 Date of information. 44 Questions. 53 Chapter V-CROSS-COUNTRY FLYING-PILOTING Procedure 55 Marking time intervals. 58 Landmarks. 55 Long flights... 60 Flying a range 57 Folding the charts. 61 Marking distance along the plotted General rules. 64 65 route. 58 Questions.. ----------- 4 ----------- Case I.... 1. To measure course... 2. To find the magnetic CONTENTS Chapter VI.-AIR NAVIGATION BY DEAD RECKONING The advantages of dead reckoning... Basie problems in dead reckoning... Basie problems in dead reckoning Continued. P Page 66 66 66 Case II-Continued. 2. To find the true heading. the true 67 3. To find the true course made good.... 81 course.. 70 3. To find the compass 4. To plot the true course on the chart. 81 81 course... 74 Summary. Case II... 4. To find the compass heading... Special problems of dead reckoning: 75 Returning to the intended track Radius of action.. 84 85 80 1. To find the magnetic heading.. Examples. 91 80 Questions.. 94 Chapter VII. RADIO NAVIGATION The importance of aeronautical radio. 96 Bearing from station on adjoining The radio range system.. 96 chart... The cone of silence.. 100 Multiple courses.. 100 A fix from two bearings on one sta- tion.... 116 116 101 Bent courses... Relative bearings. 117 101 Special charts for radio direction Night effect.. The radio range and dead reck- finding... 118 102 oning. 102 The radio compass and wind. Errors in radio direction finding. 119 119 Orientation. The 90° turn method. 103 The radio direction finder and wind... 120 The fade-out method. 105 A radio line of position. 122 107 A standard method.. Instrument landings.. 123 The parallel method.. 108 Neon tube approach lights. 126 Radio marker beacons.. 109 Radio operator's permit... 126 111 Effect of wind on turns.. Questions and answers for re- Radio direction finding.. 112 stricted radiotelephone oper- Orientation with the radio compass... 113 ator's permit. 127 Plotting radio bearings. 113 Examples.. 133 A running fix.. 115 Questions. 136 138 139 Chapter VIII-AIR NAVIGATION COMPUTER, GRAPHS, AND TABLES Explanation... The air navigation computer. Finding wind correction and ground The slide rule side. 139 speed in flight from one observa- tion with a drift indicator. 157 The navigational side.. 143 Rectifying the heading and ground Conversion of percentage velocities speed for the effect of wind. 157 and miles-per-hour velocities.. 146 Drift determination without a drift Finding the true air speed.. 148 indicator. 158 Time-speed-distance problems.. 150 Radius of action. 160 Correction to course for wind and determination of ground speed The Beaufort scale. 162 150 Correction to course and determina- tion of compass heading and ground speed by the double drift method. 154 ontact flying- Chapter IX. THE PRACTICE OF NAVIGATION 163 Instrument flying. 167 ----------- 5 ----------- CONTENTS VII Chapter X-CELESTIAL NAVIGATION Page Practical value. Accuracy Simplicity. Basic principles. Pag 171 A line of position from Polaris. 192 171 A line of position from an unidentified 172 194 172 Sidereal time. 196 The line of position. 175 Identification of stars. 197 Celestial coordinates, 176 Star names.. 198 The astronomical triangle. 178 Brightness of stars. 198 The sextant observation. 179 The planets. 199 Forms for computation.. 182 Motion of the stars and planets.. The Air Almanac. 184 Examples.... 200 Computing the Line of Position. 186 Specimen pages from the Air Almanac. 203 Other methods.. 191 The line of position table. 203 Chapter XI-APPENDIX Glossary of principal navigational Publications of the Civil Aeronau- terms. Convenient abbreviations and sym- bols.. 230 ties Administration (Authority). Publications of the former Bureau of Air Commerce.. 235 237 Code adopted for airway use. 231 Airports of entry. 231 Other pertinent publications. Bubble sextant correction for rotation 238 Radio time signals.. 232 of the earth. 238 Price list of aeronautical charts. 233 Bibliography Recognized dealers in aeronautical Index. 241 234 charts... Frontispiece. Index of aeronautical charts.. Figure 1. Rotating aeronautical beacon light. ILLUSTRATIONS Figure III 16. A portion of the developed cone. Lambert conformal conic pro- jection, showing scale prop- 2 erties... 19 2. Rotating beacon installation. 3 17. Courses and bearings. 20 3. Radio range station... 3 18. Course and track. 21 4. Airway traffic control center. 19. Altimeter. 4 25 5. The earth as a planet... 9 20. Magnetic compass.. 27 6. The location of a point from known reference lines... 21. Bank-and-turn indicator. 27\ 10 22. Typical deviation card. 29 7. Reference lines on the earth. 10 23. Air speed indicator... 30 8. Great circle illustrated by a taut string... 24. Drift sight (floor type)--- 31 11 25. A simple drift sight (floor type 31 9. Great circles on the earth. 12 26. Directional gyro.. 32 10. Standard time zones of the 27. Artificial horizon. 33 United States. 13 28. Radio compass indicator. 34 11. Development of a conical sur- face.. 29. Automatic radio direction finder 34 14 30. Water features. 37 12. Development of a cylindrical surface. 31. Cultural features.... 14 13. Mercator projection of the world. 14. Great circle versus rhumb line.. 15. The Lambert conformal conic projection. 16 32. Highways in vicinity of Nava sota, Tex.-(1912).... 39 17 33. Relief (elevation). 41 34. Contours illustrated by a sand 41 19 pile ----------- 6 ----------- CONTENTS VIII Figure Figure 35. Ridges and valleys shown by 42 contours... 38. The dunce cap with "valley" 36. The seashore as a contour. 37. Contours illustrated by a dunce cap.. 42 64. Departure from intended track due to failure to apply corree- tion for wind... Pap 84 42 65. Departure from intended track due to over-correction for wind... 84 42 and "stream". 39. Altitude, form, and slope ex- pressed by contours... 66. Radius of action; triangle of velocities for flight out.. 85 43 40. Airport classification. 45 41. Aeronautical data (miscellane- ous).... 46 42. True compass rose (sectional and regional charts).. 48 43. Magnetic compass rose (radio direction finding charts) 49 67. Radius of action; triangle of velocities for return flight.. 68. Radius of action; triangle for flight out combined with tri- angle for return flight.. 69. Radius of action when turning back to an alternate airport (for whole flight). 87 88 44. Spacing dividers.. 59 45. Folding the chart for use in flight... 61 70. Radius of action when turning back to an alternate airport (1-hour plot). 90 46. Folding the chart as a strip. 62 47. Making a route book... 63 71. Graphic determination of wind correction and ground speed.. 92 48. Folding four charts for a route. near their common corner. 63 72. The radio range system of the Civil Aeronautics Administration.. 97 49. Subdividing a long route.. 68 50. The correction for convergence of meridians... 69 51. Protractor used as straightedge.. a long 69 52. Magnetic variation in the United States, 1935... 70 53. Magnetic variation. 71 73. Jacksonville radio range station. 74. Salt Lake City radio range sta- tion, showing multiple courses. 75. The danger of neglecting drift in radio range navigation. 76. Identification of the quadrant and range course; 90° turn method... 98 101 103 104 54. Westerly variation (Portland, Maine). 73 55. Easterly variation (Portland, Oreg.).. 77. Identification of the quadrant and range course; fade-out method... 106 73 56. Departure from intended track due to flying a mean magnetic course.. 74 78. Identification of the quadrant and range course; a standard method. 108 57. Applying variation and devis tion to find the compass 79. Fan marker beacons around the Newark radio range station 110 course. 74 58. Wind drift. 76 80. Effect of wind on turns in orien- tation procedure. 111 59. Correction to course for wind, and determination of ground speed... 81. Orientation with the radio com- pass.. 77 60. Combining compass course and wind correction to find the compass heading. 78 61. Graphic definition of terms used in dead reckoning. ings.. 83. A "running fix" from radio bear- 82. Position determination by means of radio bearings. 113 114 79 63. Plotting on the chart the track, or true course made good. 62. Combining the true heading and drift to find the track (true) course made good)... fect.. 84. The radio compass and wind ef- 115 81 82 86. A radio line of position from bearing determined at air- plane. 85. Determination of wind by radio direction finder. 120 121 122 ----------- 7 ----------- Figure 87. Indianapolis instrument landing system... 91. Air navigation computer-slide 88. Chart used in test flights of In- dianapolis instrument landing system.... 89. A fix from radio bearings when the assumed position is con- siderably in error... 90. Plotting a radio bearing on a radio direction finding chart. rule side. 135 140 92. Finding the true air speed with the Air Navigation Computer. 93. Air Navigation Computer-wind triangle side (facing). 94. Triangle of velocities superim- posed on computer (facing). 141 142 144 95. Nautical-statute miles conver- sion scale. 146 96. Graph for converting miles-per- hour and percentage veloci- ties... 117. Refraction.. 147 118. Parallax.. 97. Fahrenheit-centigrade tempera- ture conversion scale.. 98. Graph for finding the true air 148 CONTENTS 124 134 Figure 106. Graph for rectifying heading and ground speed for wind (facing) 107. Graph for finding the drift angle.. 108. Checking the track by the angle and position of crossing rail- roads... 109. Checking the track by cultural and topographie landmarks. 110. Railroad pattern at Martensdale, Iowa. 111. Railroad pattern at Sheridan Junction... 112. Relation between observed alti- tudes of a star and circles of position... 113. Two circles of position establish location... 114. The line of position on large scale charts. 115. The celestial sphere.. 116. The astronomical triangle. 119. Form for computing the line of position, showing all data ob- tained by observation. ཎྜ་སྟྱ་སྐྱ་བློ་བླློ་༔དྷ དྷ རྫ་དྷ རྨུརྞྞ སྐ་ 183 speed..... 149 99. Time-speed-distance graph. 100. Graph for finding the wind cor- rection angle and ground speed when the wind direction and velocity are known (facing).. 101. Determining the wind angle. 102. Measuring the two drift angles... 103. Graph for finding the wind-cor- rection angle and ground speed by the double-drift method (facing). 151 120. Form for computing the line of position, showing the com- plete solution... 187 121. Determining the local hour angle (LHA)... 189 152 122. Latitude from Polaris.. 193 152 155 123. Form for star identification.... 124. The civil day and sidereal time... 125. Data for route from Los Angeles to New York, 195 196 201 154 104. Finding the wind direction and velocity from figure 100.... 105. Graph for finding the wind-cor- rection angle and ground speed from one observation with a drift indicator (facing)...... 126. Precomputed altitude curve for the sun... 202 156 127. A fix by star altitude curves.. Plate I. Portion of Seattle sectional 204 chart (facing)... 156 Plate II. Portion of 1 M regional chart (facing). 6 1. Correction to course for wind, and determination of ground speed... 2. Approximate radius of action for each hour of flying time avail- able. TABLES 4. Coordinates of the celestial sphere 153 and corresponding terms on the terrestrial sphere... 177 5. The Greek alphabet.. 198 161 6. Line of position table.. 210 3. Beaufort scale for estimating wind velocities. 7. Code adopted for airway use. 231 162 8. Airports of entry. 231 9. Schedule of radio time signals.... 233
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