
71 Historic Nautical Atlases 1500's to 1800's North America Indies Cuba CD - B93

Description: The Historical Archive Sample Page 71 Rare Historical Nautical Atlases of North America And its Environs From The 1500's to the 1800's on CD This CD contains 71 rare antique nautical maps in MrSid format. This format allows you to see the entire map on your computer screen or drill down to see the smallest details. The original maps are often quite large, as much as 36" long or larger and quite detailed. With the MrSID software, you can manipulate the map to print the entire map in great detail or zoom into a portion of the map in full detail for viewing or printing. You could even bring the images to a local print shop to have the maps reprinted in their full size. (MrSID software is included on the CD.) To give you a sample of the detail you can expect in these maps, here is an example based on a panoramic map of Washington, DC. The table below shows the description and a small image of each map on this incredible natutical history map collection CD. Map of the northeast coast of North America, 1607, drawn by Samuel de Champlain Champlain, Samuel de, 1567-1635. NOTES Covers the coast of North America from western Nova Scotia to Cape Cod. Pictorial map. Original title: Descripsion des costs, pts., rades, illes de la Nouuele France faict selon son vray méridien : avec la déclinaison de la ment de plussieurs endrois selon que le sieur de Castes le franc le démontre en son liure de la mécométrie de l'emnt. / faict et observé par le sr. de Champlain 1607. A new and correct chart of North America from Cape-Cod, to the Havannah; drawn from the latest marine journals & surveys, regulated and ascertained by astronomical observations. Moore, John Hamilton, d. 1807. CREATED/PUBLISHED London; Printed for and sold by J. H. Moore and G. Robinson, bookseller, 1784. NOTES Scale ca. 1:1,250,000. Depths shown by soundings. Descripcion de la costa de Tierra Firme desde el Rio de la Empalizada hasta Cavo de Clara. Por las latitudes y longitudes de Dn. Bartolome de Rosa. Echo por Balentin Cierto primer Piloto de la Real Armada, año de 1757. Cierto, Balentin. CREATED/PUBLISHED [1757] NOTES Scale ca. 1:3,300,000. Title on verso: Florida & Cuba, 140. Manuscript, pen-and-ink, on tracing paper. Soundings shown in fathoms. Prime meridian: Ferro. Shows Cuba, Bahama Islands, northern Yucatan Peninsula, and the coast of the United States from "Cape Clara" to the mouth of the Mississippi River. General chart of the coast. No. IV, from Cape May to Cape Henry. From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of F. R. Hassler and A. D. Bache, Superintendents of the survey of the coast of the United States. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington U.S. Coast Survey] 1862. NOTES Scale 1:400,000. Portolan chart of the Mediterranean Sea ca. 1320-1350. CREATED/PUBLISHED [13--?] NOTES Anonymous nautical chart in portolan style probably drawn in Genoa. Covers Mediterranean Sea from the Balearic Islands to the Levantine coast; also covers western part of Black Sea. Mapa maritimo del Golfo de Mexico e islas de la America, para el uso de los navegantes en esta parte del mundo, construido sobre las mexores memorias, y observaciones astronomicas de longitudes, y latitudes. Dedicado a la Catholica Magestad de Don Fernando VI Rey de España, y de las Yndias, por sus mas rendidos, y fieles vasallos, Thomas Lopez, y Juan de la Cruz. López de Vargas Machuca, Tomás, 1731-1802. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Madrid] 1755. NOTES Scale ca. 1:5,500,000. Depths shown by soundings. Descripcion de las costas, islas placeres, i bajos delas, Indias Occidentales, corregida i calculada al meridiano dela isla de Theneriphe enlas Canarias por Pedro Alcantara Espinosa, Campeche i Abril 10 de 1765. Espinosa, Pedro Alcantara. CREATED/PUBLISHED [1765] NOTES Scale ca. 1:5,000,000. Manuscript, pen-and-ink and watercolor, on vellum. Shows the Atlantic coast of southern U.S., Mexico, Central America, and northern South America. Mapa y plano del Seno Mexicano. Contodas las costas, de tierra firme e yslas de barlovento consus adyacentes, recopiladas, sus-latitudes y longitudes en el puerto de la Havana con junta de primeros y segdos. pilotos de la esquadra y segun el neuvo padron; por Dn. Josef de Sn. Martin Suares, theniente de navio de la Real Armada, Ayudante y primer piloto mayor de Derrotas, celebrada por disposicion del, Exmo Sor. Dn. Josef Solano y Bote, caballero ... Delineado, en Cadiz por Dn. Josef Dias Portaly. Año de 1787. San Martín Suárez, José de. CREATED/PUBLISHED [n.p., 1787] NOTES Scale ca. 1:3,250,000. Depths shown by soundings. Shows coasts of southern United States, eastern Mexico, eastern Central America, northern South America, and West Indies. Includes tables of "Nombres de los cayos del canal viejo" and "Nombres de los cayos del nte. de la Havana." Chesapeake Bay from its head to Potamac River From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of F. R. Hassler and A. D. Bache, Superintendents of the survey of the coast of the United States. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington U.S. Coast Survey] 1861-1862. NOTES Scale 1:80,000. From its Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, showing the progress of the survey during the year 1864 (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1866). Chesapeak Bay. Sheet 6, from the mouth of York River to the entrance to bay. From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache, Superintendent of the survey of the coast of the United States. Triangulation by E. Blunt & J. Farley, Assistants. Topography by J. J. S. Hassler, G. D. Wise, J. Seib, Assts. & J. Mechan, Sub-Asst. Hydrography by the party under the command of Lieut. Comdg. J. J. Almy, U.S.N. Assistant. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington U.S U.S. Coast Survey] 1863. NOTES Scale 1:80,000. From its Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey showing the progress of the survey during the year 1862 (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1864). Chesapeake Bay, Sheet no. 1, York River, Hampton Roads, Chesapeake entrance.. From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache, Superintendent of the survey of the coast of the United States. Triangulation by E. Blunt & J. Farley, Assistants. Topography by J. J. S. Hassler, G. D. Wise, J. Seib, Assts. & J. Mechan, Sub-Asst. Hydrography by the party under the command of Lieut. Comdg. J. J. Almy, U.S.N. Assistant. Redd. drng. by W. M. C. Fairfax, A. Strausz & L. D. Williams. Engd. by J. Knight, A. Sengteller, H. S. Barnard & J. C. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington U.S. Coast Survey] 1863. NOTES Scale 1:80,000. Kondrup. Die Chinesische Küste : der Provinz Kuang-tung, zu beiden Seiten des Meridians von Macao. Berghaus, Heinrich Karl Wilhelm, 1797-1884. OTHER TITLES Provinz Kuang-tung, zu beiden Seiten des Meridians von Macao CREATED/PUBLISHED Gotha : Justus Perthes, 1834. NOTES Depth shown by soundings and hachures. A Sketch of the harbour of St. Iago de Cuba. CREATED/PUBLISHED [1765?] NOTES Scale ca. 1:15,500. Soundings shown in fathoms. Plano de la Bahia de la Ware y entrada de Filadelfie. Campo, Josef del. CREATED/PUBLISHED [178-?] NOTES Scale ca. 1:200,000. Soundings shown in fathoms. Descripcion de la Bahia de Santa Maria de Galve, y Puerto de Sn. Miguel de Panzacola con toda la costa contigua y las demas bahias que tiene en ella, hasta el Rio de Apalache / observada, y reconozida por los ingenieros Dn. Jaime Lajonk, y Don Juan de Siscara. Lajonk, Jaime. CREATED/PUBLISHED 1700. NOTES Covers coast of western Florida Panhandle from Pensacola to Apalachicola. Depths shown by soundings. A description of the sea coasts ... in the East Indies / by William Hacke. Hacke, William. OTHER TITLES Hack's descript of ye East Indies Title also known as: Buccaneer atlas CREATED/PUBLISHED [1690?] NOTES Covers the coasts of eastern Africa, India, and the East Indies. Relief shown pictorially. Each drawing bears a brief description with soundings, distances and facts regarding anchorages and navigation of rivers which might be of value in pirating activities. This atlas is known as the "Buccaneer atlas" because it results from the experience of Hacke in association with Captain Bartholomew Sharpe, the notorious Buccaneer on various expeditions to the South Sea. L'hydrographie françoise : recueil des cartes générales et particulières qui ont éte faites pour le service des vaisseaux du roy, par ordre des Ministres de la marine, depuis 1737, jusqu'en. Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772. CREATED/PUBLISHED Paris, [1737-72] 1765. A map with part of the Florida coast from Cape Blaise to Apalachie; with the boundaries betwixt East & West Floridas, 160 yards across the river call'd Apalachicola. Robt. Slowley of Hs. Ms. sloop Druid, fecit September the 4th, 1769. Slowley, Robert. CREATED/PUBLISHED [1769] NOTES Scale ca. 1:205,000. Depths shown by soundings. Maps of East and West Florida. B. Romans, inv. delin. & in Ære incidit. Romans, Bernard, ca. 1720-ca. 1784. CREATED/PUBLISHED [New York, 1781] NOTES Scale ca. 1:500,000. Cover title. Alternate title from Peter Force's catalog of printed maps: Florida and its vicinity. Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings. Coast of Maine from Frenchman Bay to Mosquito Harbor.Des Barres, Joseph F. W. (Joseph Frederick Wallet), 1722-1824. CREATED/PUBLISHED London] 1776. NOTES Scale ca. 1:130,000. Hand colored. Relief shown by hachures. Coast of Maine from Salter Island to Portland Head.Des Barres, Joseph F. W. (Joseph Frederick Wallet), 1722-1824. CREATED/PUBLISHED London] I. F. W. Des Barres, 1776. NOTES Scale ca. 1:48,000. Relief shown by hachures and shading. Soundings shown in feet. Coast of New England from Cape Elizabeth, Me. to Newburyport, Mass. Des Barres, Joseph F. W. (Joseph Frederick Wallet), 1722-1824. CREATED/PUBLISHED London] 1776. NOTES Scale ca. 1:130,000. Relief shown by hachures. Coast of Maine showing Blue Hill Bay, Penobscot Bay, Belfast Bay, Islesboro Island, Deer Island, and other islands. [Des Barres, Joseph F. W. (Joseph Frederick Wallet)] 1722-1824. CREATED/PUBLISHED London, 1776?] NOTES Scale ca. 1:48,500. Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings. Coast of Maine showing entrances of Blue Hill Bay, Isle of Haut Bay, and Penobscot Bay, with Owls Head, Vinalhaven Island, Isle au Haut, and other islands. [Des Barres, Joseph F. W. (Joseph Frederick Wallet)] 1722-1824. CREATED/PUBLISHED London, 1776?] NOTES Scale ca. 1:48,500. Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings. Coast of Maine showing entrances of Blue Hill Bay, Isle of Haut Bay, and Penobscot Bay, with Owls Head, Vinalhaven Island, Isle au Haut, and other islands. [Des Barres, Joseph F. W. (Joseph Frederick Wallet)] 1722-1824. CREATED/PUBLISHED London, 1776?] NOTES Scale ca. 1:48,500. Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings. Coast of New England from Chatham Harbor to Narragansett Bay. Des Barres, Joseph F. W. (Joseph Frederick Wallet), 1722-1824. CREATED/PUBLISHED London] 1779. NOTES Scale ca. 1:130,000. Depths shown by soundings. Cedar Keys, Florida From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache, Superintendent of the survey of the coast of the United States. Triangulation by F. H. Gerdes, Asst. and B. Huger Jr., Sub-Assist. Topography by F. H. Gerdes, Asst. Hydrography by the parties under the command of Lieuts. Comdg. O. H. Berryman & J. J. Guthrie, U.S.N. Assts. Redd. drng by A. Schoepf and A. Strauss [sic]. engd. by W. Langran and F. Bartle. Lith. of C. Knickerbocker, Albany, N.Y. Preliminary chart of Escambia and Santa Maria de Galvaez [i.e., East] Bays, Florida From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache, Superintendent of the survey of the coast of the United States. Triangulation and topography by F. H. Gerdes, Asst. Hydrography by the party under the command of Lieut. Comdg. T. S. Phelps. U.S.N. Assist. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington, U.S. Coast Survey], 1861. NOTES Scale 1:30,000. United States Coast Survey, no. 489. General chart showing soundings and coast vegetation. Chart is based on "long[itude] east from Public Square, Pensacola." Preliminary edition of general chart of the coast no. X, Sraits of Florida from Key Biscayne to Marquesas Keys From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache, Superintendent of the survey of the coast of the United States. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington, U.S. Coast Survey, 1862] NOTES Scale 1:400,000. Preliminary coast chart ... Florida Reefs [on four sheets] From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache, Superintendent of the survey of the coast of the United States. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington, U.S. Coast Survey, 1864] NOTES Scale 1:80,000. Key West harbor and its approaches. From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache, Superintendent of the survey of the coast of the United States. Triangulation by J. E. Hilgard, Assistant. Topography by L. H. Adams, Sub-Asst. Hydrography by the party under the command of Lieut. John Rodgers, U.S. Navy Assistant. Redd. drng. by E. K. Knorr. Engd. by E. Yeager, E. F. Woodward, and H. M. Knight. Published 1855. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington, U.S. Coast Survey], 1864. NOTES Scale 1:50,000. Plano de la bahia de Pansacola. Copiado pr. el pilotin del No. Dn. Josef Magule bajo la correccion del Alférez de frag[a]ta Dn. Pedro Rivelles, mro. delineador por S. M. del Departam[en]to de Cadiz su original levantado el año de 82, por Dn. Antonio Donato Paredes. Paredes, Antonio Donato. CREATED/PUBLISHED [1782] NOTES Scale ca. 1:60,000. Watermark: Zoonen. Relief shown pictorially. Depths shown by soundings. Gulf coast of the United States, Key West to Rio Grande.United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington, U.S. Coast Survey], 1863. NOTES Scale 1:1,200,000. Eastern part [Key West to the Mississipi River.]--Western Part [Mississippi River to Rio Grande] Draught of the Bay of Honduras and the Musqueto Shoar. By George Robertson, Master of His Majesty's ship The Prince Edward. Robertson, George, master of H. M. S. Dolphin. CREATED/PUBLISHED [1764] NOTES Scale ca. 1:430,000. Oriented with north to the left. Relief shown pictorially. Depths shown by soundings. A draught of the Bay of Honduras and part of the Musquetto Shore. Corected, the variation to be allowed at Ballieze River, 7d. 0 e[as]terly at Bonacre 6..30 e[as]terly by George Robertson. Robertson, George, master of H. M. S. Dolphin. CREATED/PUBLISHED [1764?] NOTES Scale ca. 1:435,000. Carte de l'entrée de la rivière d'Hudson, dépuis Sandy-Hook jusques à New-York avec les bancs, sondes, marques de navigation &c. Rédigée d'après un plan anglois au Dépôt général de la marine par ordre de M. de Sartine, conseiller d'Etat, Ministre et Secretaire d'Etat, au Département de la marine. France. Dépôt des cartes et plans de la marine. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Paris?] Dépôt de la marine, 1778. NOTES Scale ca. 1:70,000. Hand colored. Depths shown by soundings. Relief shown by land form drawings. Carte de l'entrée de la rivière d'Hudson, dépuis Sandy-Hook jusques à New-York avec les bancs, sondes, marques de navigation &c. Rédigée d'après un plan anglois au Dépôt général de la marine, par ordre de M. de Sartine, conseiller d'Etat, ministre et secrétaire d'Etat, au Département de la marine. France. Dépôt des cartes et plans de la marine. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Paris?] Dépôt de la marine, 1778. NOTES Scale ca. 1:70,000. Depths shown by soundings. Relief shown by land form drawings. Mount Desert Island and neighboring coast of Maine. [Des Barres, Joseph F. W. (Joseph Frederick Wallet)] 1722-1824. CREATED/PUBLISHED London, 1776?] NOTES Scale ca. 1:49,000. Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings. Plan de la baie et du havre de Casco et des îles adjacentes, par Cyprian Southack. Rédigé, d'après un plan anglois, au Dépôt général des cartes, plans et journaux de la marine. Par ordre de M. de Sartine, conseiller d'Etat, ministre et secretaire d'Etat au Département de la marine. Southack, Cyprian, 1662-1745. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Paris] 1779. NOTES Scale ca. 1:85,000. Depths shown by soundings. Mount Desert Island and neighboring coast of Maine. [Des Barres, Joseph F. W. (Joseph Frederick Wallet)] 1722-1824. CREATED/PUBLISHED London, 1776?] NOTES Scale ca. 1:49,000. Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings. Chart of the coast of Maine / Moody del. on stone. Porter, Seward, 1784-1838. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Bath, Me.?] : Seward Porter, [1837], (Boston : T. Moore's Lithography) NOTES Relief shown by hachures on some sheets. Depths shown by soundings. A chart of Boston Bay and vicinity. Des Barres, Joseph F. W. (Joseph Frederick Wallet), 1722-1824. CREATED/PUBLISHED London, 1776?] NOTES Scale ca. 1:50,000. Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings. Boston Harbour, with the surroundings, &c. Hills, John, surveyor CREATED/PUBLISHED 177-?] NOTES Scale ca. 1:24,000. Title from William Faden's Catalogue of a curious and valuable collection of original maps and plans. 1862. Relief shown by shading and hachures. Depths shown by soundings. Chart of Buzzards Bay and Vineyard Sound. Des Barres, Joseph F. W. (Joseph Frederick Wallet), 1722-1824. CREATED/PUBLISHED London] 1776. NOTES Scale ca. 1:51,000. Depths shown by soundings. Buzzards Bay and shoals of Nantucket. Knight, John. CREATED/PUBLISHED [1778] NOTES Scale ca. 1:100,000. Title on verso: Nantucket Shoals and Buzzards's Bay by Lieutt. Knight, 1778. Soundings shown in fathoms. Chart of Nantucket Island and the eastern half of Martha's Vineyard. Des Barres, Joseph F. W. (Joseph Frederick Wallet), 1722-1824. CREATED/PUBLISHED London] 1776. NOTES Scale ca. 1:51,000. Hand colored. Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings. Chart of Nantucket Island and the eastern half of Martha's Vineyard. Des Barres, Joseph F. W. (Joseph Frederick Wallet), 1722-1824. CREATED/PUBLISHED London] 1776. NOTES Scale ca. 1:51,000. Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings. Chart of Plymouth Bay. Des Barres, Joseph F. W. (Joseph Frederick Wallet), 1722-1824. CREATED/PUBLISHED London, 177-] NOTES Scale ca. 1:24,000. Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings. The coast of New England. Des Barres, Joseph F. W. (Joseph Frederick Wallet), 1722-1824. CREATED/PUBLISHED [London] J. F. W. Des Barres, 1776. NOTES Scale ca. 1:520,000. Relief shown by hachures and shading. Soundings shown in feet. Part of Long Island; and the coast eastward to the shoals of Nantucket. [Knight, John] CREATED / PUBLISHED [1778?] NOTES Scale ca. 1:600,000. Prime meridian: Greenwich. Has watermarks. Soundings shown in fathoms. Coast of Rhode Island and Long Island from Narragansett Bay to Peconic Bay. Des Barres, Joseph F. W. (Joseph Frederick Wallet), 1722-1824. CREATED/PUBLISHED London] J. F. W. Des Barres, 1779. NOTES Scale ca. 1:115,000. Relief shown by hachures. Soundings shown in feet. Coast of Rhode Island and Long Island from Narragansett Bay to Peconic Bay. Des Barres, Joseph F. W. (Joseph Frederick Wallet), 1722-1824. CREATED/PUBLISHED London] J. F. W. Des Barres, 1779. NOTES Scale ca. 1:115,000. Relief shown by hachures and shading. Soundings shown in feet. Potomac River (in four sheets): Sheet no. 4, from Indian Head to Georgetown From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache, Superintendent of the survey of the coast of the United States. Triangulation by A. D. Bache, Supdt., C. Ferguson, C. Hosmer and C. H. Boyd, Sub-Assts. Topography by A. M. Harrison, C. M. Bache, Assts., J. Mechan, C. Hosmer and C. H. Boyd, Sub-Assts. Hydrography by the parties under the command of Lieut. comdr. T. S. Phelps, U.S.N. and C. P. Patterson Assis. Redd. drng. by H. Lindenkohl and L. Karcher. Engd. by A. Maedel and A. Petersen. 1864 United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.] 1864. NOTES Scale 1:40,000. A chart of the harbour of Rhode Island and Narraganset Bay. Surveyed in pursuance of directions from the Lords of Trade to His Majesty's Surveyor General for the northern district of North America. Published at the request of The Right Honourable Lord Viscount Howe. Des Barres, Joseph F. W. (Joseph Frederick Wallet), 1722-1824. CREATED/PUBLISHED [London] 1776. NOTES Scale ca. 1:51,000. Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings. A topographical chart of the bay of Narraganset in the province of New England, with all the isles contained therein, among which Rhode Island and Connonicut have been particularly surveyed, shewing the true position & bearings of the banks, shoals, rocks &c. as likewise the soundings; To which have been added the several works & batteries raised by the Americans. Taken by order of the principal farmers on Rhode Island. Blaskowitz, Charles. CREATED/PUBLISHED [London] Engraved & printed for Wm. Faden, 1777. NOTES Scale ca. 1:50,000. Hand colored. Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings. A topographical chart of the bay of Narraganset in the province of New England, with all the isles contained therein, among which Rhode Island and Connonicut have been particularly surveyed, shewing the true position & bearings of the banks, shoals, rocks &c. as likewise the soundings: To which have been added the several works & batteries raised by the Americans. Taken by order of the principal farmers on Rhode Island. Blaskowitz, Charles. CREATED/PUBLISHED [London] Engraved & printed for Wm. Faden, 1777. NOTES Scale ca. 1:50,000. Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings and form lines. A map of the bay of Narraganset with the islands therein and part of the country adjacent. Blaskowitz, Charles. CREATED/PUBLISHED [1777?] NOTES Scale ca. 1:63,360. Manuscript, pen-and-ink and watercolor. Relief shown by shading. Depths shown by soundings. Plan de la baie de Narraganset dans la Nouvelle Angleterre avec toutes les îles qu'elle renferme parmi lesquelles se trouvent Rhode-Island et l'île de Connonicut. Levé par Charles Blaskowits et publié à Londres en 1777. Dressé au Dépôt général des cartes, plans et journaux de la marine, pour le service des vaisseaux du roi. Par ordre de M. de Sartine, conseiller d'État, ministre et secrétaire d'État ayant le Département de la marine. Petit, sculp. Blaskowitz, Charles. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Paris] Dépôt général de la marine, 1780. NOTES Scale ca. 1:70,000. Relief shown pictorially and by hachures. Soundings shown in fathoms. St. Mary's River and Fernandina harbor, Florida From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache, Superintendent of the survey of the coast of the United States. Triangulation by Capt. J. H. Simpson and Lieutenant A. W. Evans, U.S.A. Assistants. Topography by A. M. Harrison, Assistant. Hydrography by the party under the command of Lieut. S. D. Trenchard, U.S.N. Assist. 1857. Resurvey of bar by C. O. Boutelle, Asst. in 1862. Redd. drng. by P. Witzel. Engd. by A. Maedel and R. F. Bartle. Bowen & Co. lith., Philada. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington, U.S. Coast Survey, 1862] NOTES Scale 1:20,000. Preliminary chart of Beaufort River, Station Creek, Story and Harbor Rivers forming inside passage between Port Royal and St. Helena Sounds, South Carolina From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache, Superintendent of the survey of the coast of the United States. Triangulation by C. O. Boutelle, Assist. Topography by John Seib, Asst. & C. Rockwell, Sub-Asst. Hydrography by the parties under the command of Lieuts. Comdg. J. N. Maffitt, J. P. Bankhead, U.S.N., C. O. Boutelle & W. S. Edwards, Assts. Coast Survey. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington, U.S. Coast Survey], 1864. NOTES 1:40,000. Preliminary chart of Charleston Harbor and its approaches. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.], Published in 1858. Additions in 1862. NOTES Inscribed in ink: Transferred from Office of Chf. Engr., Defenses of Washington, to Engr. Dept., Jany. 1866. DLC Shows fortifications, towns, soundings, roads and streets, vegetation, and drainage. Resurvey of Charleston Bar by W. S. Edwards, Asst. and F. P. Webber, Sub-Asst., under the direction of C. O. Boutelle, Assistant, 1864. Redd. Drng. by J. J. Ricketts & A. Boschke. Engd. by F. Dankworth, J. Knight, E. Yeager & G. McCoy. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l., 1864] NOTES Scale 1:30,000. Hydrographic reconnaissance of James River, Virginia, from entrance to City Point / by Com'r W.T. Muse & Lieuts. R. Wainwright & J.N. Maffitt, U.S.N. Assts. Coast Survey from 1854 to '59. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Coast Survey, [1862] NOTES General nautical chart. Depths shown by soundings and contours. York River and Mobajack [sic] Bay, Va. / tracing for Maj. Genl. Franklin from Maj. Humphrey's [sic] Comg. Topl. Engrs., Army of Potomac. Humphreys, A. A. (Andrew Atkinson), 1810-1883. OTHER TITLES York River and Mobjack Bay, Va. CREATED/PUBLISHED [1862?] NOTES Depths shown by soundings. Shows roads, settlements, farmsteads with residents' names, battery on North River tributary, and low-water line. This is a must have collection for any map history buff! To use this software, you must install the free ExpressView MrSid software which is included on the CD. This is a 30 second process and will allow you to view and manipulate/print all the maps in this CD collection in full detail. This product only works on Windows platforms. Full installation instructions are included on the CD. Please visit Our About Me Page to Learn More about Us! This product is a CD. All our CDs are professionally produced and packaged in DVD sized cases. 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Movement of Destiny - LeRoy Edwin Froom - 1971. (#1#)


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Historical Commentary on Thucydides Volumes I Book 1 by A.W Gomme / hardcover


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New Testament Black Hardcover 1971 ABS KJV 1611 Bible, SHIPS FREE


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