Description: I HAVE ALL FOUR! OFTHE PRINTS IN THE OFFICIAL "GODS AND GENERALS" SERIES: 1/4 In the Hands of Providence (this listing, signed and w Auth. Cert.) 2/4 Shenandoah Autmn (signed and w Auth. Cert.) 3/4 Gods and Generals (signed and w Auth. Cert.) and4/4 With a Rebel Yell (signed and w Auth. Cert.) We are liquidating a collection once belonging to my Father-in-Law. He moved into assisted living and the sale of these items all go to help support him there.Liner notes: Finally, it was their turn. For hours, Lieutenant Colonel Joshua L.Chamberlain and the troops of the 20th Maine had awaited the command to entercombat at the Battle of Fredericksburg. The men from Maine watched withfascination and horror as wave after wave of their fellow soldiers courageouslycharged across a deadly, open field of fire and were dashed to pieces bySouthern artillery and infantry fire. Now their time had come and their fullinitiation to combat would occur at one of the bloodiest battles of Americasbloodiest war. I held my breath and set my teeth together, one of theregiments officers would later recall, determined not to show fear if Icould. Faces fixed toward the enemy, they moved forward. Confederate artillery rakedthe regiment with deadly gusts yet on they went. They charged over fencesand through hedges, Chamberlain would recall, over bodies of dead men andliving ones, past four lines that were lying on the ground. Like those whowent before it, however, the 20th Maine was doomed to fail. After suffering anawful shredding, the regiment was forced back. Even so, on the plains of deathat Fredericksburg, the men from Maine and Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain forged a reputation for coolness and courage that would follow them to otherfamous fields of fire and glory. Mort Kunstlers Comments Few events in the war were more memorable or more courageous than the charge ofthe 20th Maine at the Battle of Fredericksburg. It was this extraordinary eventthat I wanted to portray as the climactic fourth and final print in the Godsand Generals collection. History records the action of the 20th to be just asheroic in reality as it was depicted in fiction by the novel Gods and Generalsand the film that followed it for which I was honored to serve as officialartist. Wave after wave of Union infantry charged the sunken road andimpregnable defenses of Maryes Heights. The climax occurred when Lt. Col.Joshua L. Chamberlain led the 20th Maine in the final charge of the battle latein the afternoon of December 13, 1862. The 20th ended up within a stones throwof the Confederates and spent almost two days and nights under heavyConfederate fire until the 20th was finally withdrawn. I was very fortunate to be able to paint an angle of the final charge that gaveme the opportunity to show the sun setting on the spires of Fredericksburg.During the charge, the 20th encountered enfilading fire from artillery and Ihave used one of the shell bursts to silhouette Chamberlain and make him thecenter of interest in this painting. The numbers D21 and 48 on the caps of thebodies in the foreground are from the 21st Massachusetts and the 48thPennsylvania regiments who had charged the open field earlier in the day. Iwanted this painting to capture the organized chaos of battle, as well as theheroism of Chamberlain and the soldiers of the 20th Maine. What a remarkable soldier and man of character was Joshua Chamberlain. Perhapsthe best biography of him is Alice Rains Trulocks In the Hands of Providence.I love the title of the book because it really sums up Chamberlainspersonality he was a man who treasured character, duty, charity, courage andfaith. He apparently lived what he believed, and like Stonewall Jackson placed his future, whether in war or peace, in what he called the hands ofProvidence.
Price: 175 USD
Location: Greensboro, North Carolina
End Time: 2024-10-04T20:36:10.000Z
Shipping Cost: N/A USD
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Item Specifics
All returns accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted
Artist: Mort Kunstler
Unit of Sale: Single Piece
Signed By: Mort Kunstler
Edition Size: 950- signed & numbered prints.
Size: Medium
Custom Bundle: No
Framing: Unframed
Personalize: No
Listed By: Dealer - Framing Fox Gallery
Style: collectible civil war art
Features: Mint Condition, Never Framed, Comes with Certificate, Stored Flat & Protected, Hand Signed & Numbered By Mort Kunstler, Ebays Global International Shipping, Signed, Chamberlain & The 20th Maine, Battle of Fredericksburg
Handmade: No
Print Type: Offset Lithograph
Time Period Produced: 1850-1899
Signed: Yes
Title: In The Hands Of Providence
Material: Paper
Certificate of Authenticity (COA): Yes
Original/Licensed Reprint: Limited Edition Print
Subject: Military, Military, Political - Civil War Print
Print Surface: Paper
Type: Hand SIgned & Numbered
Signed?: Personally Hand Signed by Mort Kunstler
Edition Type: Limited Edition
COA Issued By: Mort Kunstler
Theme: American Civil War
Original/Reproduction: Original Print
Production Technique: Offset Lithograph
Country/Region of Manufacture: United States