Description: Card Game List Lightning Overdrive English from 2021Secret Rare Ultra Rare Super Rare Common 1st Edition Condition MINT Thank you for your support!!!
Price: 1.94 EUR
Location: Hamburg
End Time: 2024-11-23T11:10:59.000Z
Shipping Cost: 8.41 EUR
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Item Specifics
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Besonderheiten: 1. Auflage, Chase (Schwer zu finden)
Altersempfehlung: 6+
Kartenzustand: Nahezu neuwertig oder besser (Near Mint or Better)
Kartenname: Yugioh Konami
Sprache: Englisch
Bewertung: 9-10
Typ/MTG: Farbe: Yugioh Konami
Kreaturen-/Monstertyp: Yugioh Konami
Autogrammart: Autogramm auf Originalartikel
Kartentyp: Yugioh Konami
Entwicklungsstufe: Yugioh Konami
Spezialkarte: Yugioh Konami
Bewertet: Ja
Oberflächeneffekt: Holo
Mit Autogramm: Ja
Bewertungsexperte: Yugioh Konami
Edition: Lightning Overdrive
Charakter: Yugioh Konami
Zertifikationsnummer: Yugioh Konami
Kartennummer: LIOV
Hersteller: Konami
Seltenheit: Secret Ultra Super Rare and Common
Spiel: Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG
Signiert von: Yugioh Konami
Herstellungsjahr: 2021
Available Variations
Color: LIOV-EN013 Bujin Torifune
Price: 5.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 3
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN081 Proof of Pruflas
Price: 4.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 3
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN015 S-Force Edge Razor
Price: 5.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 3
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN004 Supreme Sovereign Serpent of Golgonda
Price: 3.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 5
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN094 Staysailor Romarin
Price: 3.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 2
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN009 Roxrose Dragon
Price: 7.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 3
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN045 Dark Infant @Ignister
Price: 3.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 3
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN044 Tri-Brigade Bearbrumm the Rampant
Price: 7.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 5
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN083 Pendransaction
Price: 3.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 3
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN055 Branded in White
Price: 3.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 5
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN090 War Rock Spirit
Price: 5.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 5
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN051 Zexal Construction
Price: 4.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 2
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN058 Amazement Precious Park
Price: 3.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 1
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN086 War Rock Wento
Price: 3.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 2
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN028 World Soul - Carbon
Price: 1.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN005 Springans Brothers
Price: 3.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN021 Scrap Raptor
Price: 1.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN011 Danmari @Ignister
Price: 2.14 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN031 Otoshidamashi
Price: 2.14 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN024 Pharaonic Guardian Sphinx
Price: 2.14 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN018 Blackeyes, the Plunder Patroll Seaguide
Price: 2.14 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN014 S-Force Dog Tag
Price: 1.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN087 War Rock Mammud
Price: 1.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN007 Amazement Ambassador Bufo
Price: 1.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN029 Yamorimori
Price: 1.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN002 ZS - Armed Sage
Price: 2.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN025 Sky Scourge Cidhels
Price: 2.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN012 Bujin Mahitotsu
Price: 2.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN019 Starry Knight Ciel
Price: 1.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN027 Dark Eye Nightmare
Price: 2.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN001 ZW - Pegasus Twin Saber
Price: 2.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN020 Judge of the Ice Barrier
Price: 1.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN038 Star Mine
Price: 2.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN095 D/D/D Supersight King Zero Maxwell
Price: 2.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN030 Clock Arc
Price: 2.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN026 Anchamoufrite
Price: 2.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN097 Sunavalon Daphne
Price: 2.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN096 Binary Blader
Price: 2.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN047 Paleozoic Cambroraster
Price: 2.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN063 Birth of the Prominence Flame
Price: 2.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN062 Bujincandescence
Price: 2.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN057 Amazement Special Show
Price: 2.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN099 Sunvine Cross Breed
Price: 2.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN059 Basal Rose Shoot
Price: 2.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN066 Hidden Springs of the Far East
Price: 2.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN060 A.I. Meet You
Price: 2.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN061 You and A.I.
Price: 2.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN054 Springans Booty
Price: 2.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN065 One-Kuri-Way
Price: 2.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN053 Dogmatikalamity
Price: 2.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN072 Amaze Attraction Wonder Wheel
Price: 2.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN067 Zexal Alliance
Price: 2.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN078 One by One
Price: 2.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN080 Fukubiki
Price: 3.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN069 Judgment of the Branded
Price: 1.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN091 War Rock Generations
Price: 1.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN085 Terrors of the Underroot
Price: 3.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN073 Amaze Attraction Majestic Merry-Go-Roun
Price: 1.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN074 Amaze Attraction Rapid Racing
Price: 1.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN079 Boo-Boo Game
Price: 1.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN092 War Rock Big Blow
Price: 1.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN068 Screams of the Branded
Price: 5.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN076 A.I. Challenge You
Price: 1.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 6
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN022 Dark Honest
Price: 14.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 1
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN043 Drytron Mu Beta Fafnir
Price: 24.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 2
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN034 Mysterion the Dragon Crown
Price: 14.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 3
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN016 Traptrix Vesiculo
Price: 7.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 1
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN049 Lyna the Light Charmer, Lustrous
Price: 9.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 1
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN084 Expendable Dai
Price: 3.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 3
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN041 Springans Merrymaker
Price: 9.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 4
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN033 Albion the Branded Dragon
Price: 24.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 2
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN036 Garden Rose Flora
Price: 3.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 3
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN050 Rank-Up-Magic Zexal Force
Price: 3.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 2
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN037 Lavalval Exlord
Price: 3.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 2
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN040 Dragonic Halberd
Price: 3.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 2
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN070 Amazement Family Faces
Price: 3.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 1
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN010 Ruddy Rose Witch
Price: 3.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 1
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN003 ZS - Ascended Sage
Price: 7.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 2
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN077 S-Force Chase
Price: 4.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 1
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN075 Amaze Attraction Horror House
Price: 7.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 1
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN008 Amazement Attendant Comica
Price: 9.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 1
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN039 Ultimate Dragonic Utopia Ray
Price: 9.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 2
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN089 War Rock Dignity
Price: 9.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 1
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: MINT 10 LIOV-EN013 Bujin Torifune
Price: 9.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 1
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: MINT 10 LIOV-EN015 S-Force Edge Razor
Price: 9.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 1
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: MINT 10 LIOV-EN016 Traptrix Vesiculo
Price: 14.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 1
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN023 Bahalutiya, the Grand Radiance
Price: 24.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 1
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: MINT 10 LIOV-EN037 Lavalval Exlord
Price: 24.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 1
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: MINT 10 LIOV-EN049 Lyna the Light Charmer Lustrous
Price: 24.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 1
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: LIOV-EN006 Amazement Administrator Arlekino
Price: 34.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 1
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: MINT 10 LIOV-EN017 Live☆Twin Ki-sikil Frost
Price: 34.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 1
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: MINT 10 LIOV-EN022 Dark Honest
Price: 34.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 1
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: MINT 10 LIOV-EN035 Ruddy Rose Dragon
Price: 34.94 EUR
Available Quantity: 1
Quantity Sold: 0